Are You Ready for the New Standard in Aircraft Valuation? VREF, in partnership with the AOPA, is launching its new platform this fall Featuring: The largest active database of aircraft in aviation with over 500 models tracked that you can sort by lineage The largest avionics database in aviation and you can sort it by lineage Fair market value, inventory, OLV, FLV and scrap values in addition to retail and wholesale values All new condition, interior and paint functions including per-seat costs Future residual values Engine conversions built into the platform Create custom index's and manage your fleet Extended filter and sort functions Live chat, custom report templates and much more... 62%&S DATABASE IS MAINTAINED AND UPDATED BY A STAFF OF INDUSTRY RECOGNIZED 3ENIOR !CCREDITED !IRCRAFT !PPRAISERS WITH OVER YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE 62%& APPRAISERS ARE ACCREDITED WITH THE !MERICAN 3OCIETY OF !PPRAISERS !3! We're looking for a select group of individuals who may be interested in accessing the beta program for testing along with your professional feedback on user experience. If you would be interested please please contact us by emailing jason 1-844-303-VREF