AOPA PILOT CONTENTS January 2020 SECTIONS 42 Industry News Gulfstream G700 debuts. 44 Musings Making a difference. 46 You Can Fly 95 58 COMMENTARY DEPARTMENTS 6 President's Position Accolades for advocacy. 18 Waypoints Winging in the new year. 20 Proficient Pilot 4 AOPA Online AOPA ACTION 78 Technique Ahead of the game. AOPA, industry oppose bills. PILOT BRIEFING 30 First Look Thunderbird for a day. 32 2020 Sweepstakes Time to enter the clouds. 34 Budget Buy Cessna 140. 14 Letters Be a snowbird. 109 Fly by Wire 35 Destinations 36 Aircraft 110 Tips from PIC 38 Airports 100-hour inspection due? Dillingham Airfield. 24 Safety Spotlight 112 Pilots 39 Test Pilot Tim Tucker. 91 Savvy Maintenance Tense bolts. 95 Technique 97 Proficiency MEMBERSHIP NEWS & NOTES 102 AOPA Fly-Ins Something for everyone. 40 You Can Fly They get you coming and going. Winter jet streams. Sputtering into Vegas. Flying farm. 26 For the Record 88 Wx Watch 100 Never Again Flying lessons from an 8-year-old. Play ball. It's 2020. Now what? Real deal. Index of advertisers. 22 Flying Life 85 ADS-B Trim and power. Ugly outside, delightful inside. Name-dropping. PROFICIENCY & EFFICIENCY 12 On the Hill Take your reading beyond these pages. Lone beagle. Flight Training Experience Awards. 104 AOPA Air Safety Institute Changing the world. Winter weather woes. 41 Pilot Products 106 Turn On Your Notifications AirSync. Bird's-Eye View FIRST FLIGHT IN A GYRO p. 66 Fly with AOPA. By a Nose JOY OF THE NOSEGEAR CUB p. 36 Wild Ride FLYING WITH THE THUNDERBIRDS p. 29 108 Member Products and Services Altered states. | January 2020 | $8.95 The Voice of General Aviation January 2020 Kinner Sportwing | Garmin Autoland | Flying a Gyroplane | Inside the Aviation Weather Center One of a Kind KINNER SP ORTWING REVIVING A RELIC OF THE GOLDEN AGE p. 50 41 ONE OF A KIND Look Ma, No Hands GARMIN UNVEILS AUTOLAND p.58 Window into Weather TRACKING TRENDS FROM KANSAS CITY p. 72 The last example of this unusual Golden Age airplane isn't consigned to a museum; it's flying over New England. Learn about the restoration of a Kinner Sportwing in "Living History," which begins on p. 50. Photography by Mike Fizer. PILOT PRODUCTS Bose ProFlight Series 2 2 | AOPA PILOT January 2020 Contact us at 800-USA-AOPA (872-2672)