AOPA PILOT CONTENTS February 2020 SECTIONS 40 Musings My first solo. 42 2020 Sweepstakes Back to Canada. 44 AOPA Fly-Ins 98 30 COMMENTARY DEPARTMENTS 6 President's Position Spread your wings. 18 Waypoints A century of perseverance. 20 Proficient Pilot Where the fun is. 22 Flying Life Lifesaving missions. 24 Safety Spotlight Change of plans. 26 Fly Well Getting stoned. 4 AOPA Online Take your reading beyond these pages. 14 Letters Flight of five. 109 Fly by Wire Index of advertisers. 110 Tips from PIC Part 61 or 141? 112 Pilots Courtland Savage. Added excitement. 45 Celebrations Love is in the air. AOPA ACTION 12 Milestones PROFICIENCY & EFFICIENCY AOPA honors World War II vet. 78 Technique Escape plan. PILOT BRIEFING 83 Proficiency 28 Aviation History They said it couldn't be done. Kid tested. 87 Savvy Maintenance 30 Perspective Shear joints. What's up with Mooney? 94 Dogfight 31 Industry News Training in IMC. Pushing the boundaries. 95 Ownership 32 Budget Buy Bugs begone. Socata TB9 Tampico. 98 Never Again 33 Destinations Alton Bay, New Hampshire. 34 First Look MyGoFlight's SkyDisplay. 37 Test Pilot Into the corn. MEMBERSHIP NEWS & NOTES 100 Media Insatiable appetite. High flying. 38 Pilot Products 102 AOPA Air Safety Institute Go ahead, pull the 'chute. All part of the system. 39 Future Flight 104 Turn On Your Notifications New manufacturer partners with Uber. Fly with AOPA. 106 Member Products and Services What Went Wrong? Strange Birds FUEL TANK CONFUSION p. 74 50 IMPROBABLE DESIGNS P. 27 Beware the Vortex ROTOR TECHNIQUE REVEALED P. 78 Crossing the border. | February 2020 | $8.95 The Voice of General Aviation February 2020 Fighting Colors WORLD WAR II NOSE ART REIMAGINED p. 66 Aviation Greats 37 TEST PILOT PROGRESSIVE AERODYNE SEAREY Splash and Dash RENT AFTER THE RATING Flying high Progressive Aerodyne SeaRey | World War II Nose Art | Ohio Aviation History | What Went Wrong? BOTTOM: JOHN HOLMS MADE IN OHIO p. 58 p. 50 SPLASH AND DASH Newly minted seaplane pilots tend to have the same question: How can I rent a seaplane? Flying Fish No Limits Flying Club has an answer. Learn more in "Wings on the Water," which begins on p. 50. Photography by Mike Fizer. Contact us at 800-USA-AOPA (872-2672) 2 | AOPA PILOT February 2020