National Museum of the United States Air Force (NMUSAF) * Oldest and largest military aviation museum in the world * Four hangars * 19 acres of interior exhibits * More than 360 aircraft and missiles * Opened to the public in 1954 * Renamed in 2004 from USAF Museum to National Museum of the U.S. Air Force Cobwebs on the nose gear and tire indicate little movement since the U.S. Air Force model NT-33A-51 Lockheed T-33A Shooting Star arrived in the restoration hangar in 1962. Lower gear door stenciled with Calspan Flight Research Crew Chief M.A. Sears on the two-place trainer flown by pilot R.P. Harper. The T-33 model's maiden flight was in 1948 and production included 5,691 aircraft for training, drone directing, target towing, and even as a combat aircraft in some countries, according to the museum. The U.S. Air Force celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary in 2022. AOPA PILOT / December 2022 79