More podiatrists choose PICA than any other malpractice provider. Here's Here's why: why: ** Administrative Administrative Defense Defense Coverage Coverage (ADC) (ADC) included in the policy included in the policy * ** Cyber Cyber liability liability coverage coverage included included in in the the policy policy* ** ** Podiatry-specific Podiatry-specific risk risk management management Podiatry-specific Podiatry-specific claims claims defense defense ** ** ** Consent Consent to to settle settle with with no no hammer hammer clause clause** Responsibly Responsibly priced priced ** ** Exceptional Exceptional customer customer service service Rated Rated A+ A+ (Superior) (Superior) by by A.M. A.M. Best Best Contact Contact us us to to learn learn more more and and to to get get aa quote! quote! (800) (800) 251-5727 251-5727 *Not currently available in all states. *Not currently available in all states. **Per policy terms. **Per policy terms. 10228_R 10228_R