A great way to identify birds is to learn their unique calls. Try using your ears as well as your eyes to find what you're looking for. Date Sandhill Crane PLOVERS Black-bellied Plover American Golden Plover Snowy Plover Wilson's Plover Semipalmated Plover Piping Plover Killdeer OYSTERCATCHERS American Oystercatcher STILTS/SANDPIPERS Black-necked Stilt American Avocet Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Willet Spotted Sandpiper Upland Sandpiper Whimbrel Marbled Godwit Ruddy Turnstone Red Knot Sanderling Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Least Sandpiper White-rumped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Purple Sandpiper Dunlin Stilt Sandpipers - 25 - PLACE