Other Area Avian Resources... Looking for other resources to help you discover and enjoy our area's birding and wildlife? Here are a few other groups or organizations dedicated to birding, wildlife and our natural resources. The Manatee County Audubon Society - Local chapter of The National Audubon Society whose mission is to promote the conservation and appreciation of birds and wildlife habitat. (941) 729-2222 ManateeAudubon.org Sierra Club Manatee/Sarasota - Represents Manatee and Sarasota Counties on the Florida Gulf Coast, and is dedicated to helping others enjoy our environment and preserve it for future generations. (941) 922-2900 Florida.SierraClub.org/Sarasota Manatee County of Parks and Natural Resources Department - Dedicated to environmental protection, this Department manages Manatee County's conservation sites. The Department also offers a wide variety of free education and volunteer programming including regular birding tours. (941) 742-5923 www.mymanatee.org/parks Florida State Parks - State division managing and maintaining the state's park system, offering recreation, education and conservation of Florida's natural resources. (850) 245-2157 FloridaStateParks.org - 34 -http://www.ManateeAudubon.org http://Florida.SierraClub.org/Sarasota http://www.mymanatee.org/parks http://www.FloridaStateParks.org