RESEARCH REPORT Research Program Volunteers Proposal Evaluation Subcommittee (PES) & Project Monitoring Subcommittee (PMS) Members for Projects Bid or Contracted in SY 20 - 21 ASHRAE Research is very thankful to the numerous individuals who freely gave their time to review and evaluate research proposals and projects during the past year. Mark Adams Nick Agopian Judith Anderson Mo Afshin George Augustini Chris Balbach Juan Carlos Baltazar Amit Bhansali Eric Binder William Brayman Joseph Bridger Jayson Bursil Craig Burg Steve Bruning Robert Charneux Mike Chiefflo Oscar Cobb Brad Cochran Jim Coogan Drury Crawley John Dieckmann Darryl Denton Curt Eichelberger Travis English Daryl Erbs Adam Fecteau Doug Feng Jonathan Flannery Richard Fox Glen Friedman Surpriya Goel Edward Gutowski Brad Gover Jeff Haberl Scott Hackel Stephen Hamatra Gordon Hart Henry Hayes Adam Hinge Robert Hitchcock Nathan Ho Ralph Kittler Allen Kirkwood John Klote Dennis Koop Ken Kuentz Valerie Lisi Alois Malik Peter McDonnell Ashish Mathur Ken Mead Michael Meteyer Eric Miller-Klein Harry Milliken Kevin Miuldoon John Murphy Phil Naughton Joe Nigro Mark Olsen Eric Peterson Charles Petty Paul Rafferty Samantha Rawlings Steve Rittmuehler Doug Ross Ivan Rydkin Andrew Schmidt Chandra Sekhar Harris Shelpman Greg Smith Research Work Statement Authors Work Statement Authors 20 - 21 SY ASHRAE Research is very thankful to the numerous individuals who freely gave their time and dedication to the research development process. Zahid Ayub Valerie Baish Nate Boyd Keith Chesson Dave Chojnowski Earl Clark Dru Crawley Jeff Crosby Kevin Cross Curtis Eichelberger Don Fisher Mick Flom Pete Freeman Sanjeev Hingorani Nathan Ho Charles Hon Debra Kennoy Gemma Kerr Kevin Kwong Chang-Seo Lee Paula Levasseur Neal Lott Julie Majurin Larry Markel Research Projects Tim Mathson Ashish Mathur Matt Middlebrooks Patrick Oliver Kathleen Owen Dan Pettway Kartik Potukuchi Thad Ptak Michael Roth Harvey Sachs Curt Sawan Mark Schaffer Marc Scancarello Derek Schrock Rich Swierczyna Steve Taylor (The Research Strategic Plan is available at 1196-RP Develop Software to Calculate the Application Seasonal Efficiency of Commercial Space Heating Boiler Systems Based on ASHRAE Standard 155P September 2000 - July 2020 (Completion tied to Standard 155) Iowa State University, Principal Investigator, Ron Nelson; TC 6.1, Hydronic and Steam Equipment and Systems Boilers are estimated to account for 42% of space heating energy use in the commercial and multifamily sectors in the U.S. Significant energy savings could be achieved in commercial and multifamily buildings by optimizing the selection of commercial boiler systems in new buildings and at the time of boiler replacement. Currently, however, commercial boilers and all other types of commercial heating equipment are rated only in terms of steady-state efficiency at full load, which does not provide a meaningful indication of relative operating costs. The objective of this 76 ASHRAE JOURNAL ashrae.o rg O CTO B E R 2021 research project is to develop user-friendly windows-based software will greatly accelerate adoption of seasonal efficiency analysis for commercial boiler systems. A significant obstacle to the use of any new standard is the learning curve for users to become familiar with the new terminology and inputs and learn how to do the computations. With this software, the level of effort required of new users of the standard will be dramatically reduced and can be focused on the more important tasks of evaluating outputs and developing an intuitive sense of the factors that affect the seasonal efficiency of commercial boiler systems. Didier Thevenard Glen Toloczko Lily Wang Pawel Wargocki Steve Wise Craig Wray Martin Stangl Mike Straub Chris Stone Stephen Trent Paul Turnbull Xudong Wang Pawel Wargocki Detlef Westphalan Jon Winkler Craig Wray David Wyon Jim Young Li Xiaobing Shitong Zha