ASHRAE thanks the following donors for their loyal support over the decades! 20-YEAR DONORS Robert L Abernethy Adco Companies Limited Air Conditioning Equipment Sales Inc Allied Supply Company Inc. - Dayton Peter J Basso Brian Miles Berg Edward R Chasteen Laurence G Claggett Don G Colliver Michael S Colwell Design Day Mechanicals Inc. Roy R Earl Eric M Edman Engineered Air - Halifax Flow Tech Inc Patrick Halaiko Robert M Hawkins Rick D Hermans Jay Chance Hollingsworth Karl E Huffman Intermountain Gas Company J-Clan Services Ltd Gerald J Kettler Lincoln Associates Brad E Lowe Thomas E Malesevich John A Mascarello William C McKay Fred J Menger Mark M Merriman Midwest Machinery - St Louis Millennium Technology Of Iowa Thomas E Monnig Frank D Morgigno David K Nachman Glenn A P Northrup O'Dell Associates Inc John R Patterson Plumbing & Mechanical Contractors Assoc. of Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin Paul A Poliquin Cyril Reasoner Refrigeration LS David V Rodenberg James P Roubal RSA Engineering Inc. Norman R Scott Sherman M Sweeney Steven T Taylor Trent P Theaker Trade Mechanical Contractors Inc Jesus Trinidad Watts Engineering Sales Inc Sam H Williams James E Wolf Boon Ping Yeo 10-YEAR DONORS Applied Mechanical Sales BASIS Consulting Engineers Harold W Baur Mark A Benedet Steven J Blau Stuart Bloomquist Tom E Bookhout Bryan E Boudreau Bruce W Buttrick Bob E Camblin Mark Cambria Dahl R Carmichael Michael L Carreon Hei Kin Chan Dave E Claridge John F Coffey Collado Engineering Paul R Conrad Chris J Constantine Todd Courneya Charlie H Culp III D.L. Sales Corp. Rudolph A D'Alonzo Lawrence J Early Daniel J Englehart Environmental Test & Balance Company Finnegan Associates Albert E Fiorini Michael P Gaffney Bill H Gardiner October 2021 Lawrence W Gramza Samuel D Harris Hatch Company John P Haymond Donald C Herrmann Ronald H Howell Hurckman Mechanical Incorporated Arthur G Hurlbut Brian M Ingenthron Jay F Jorgensen Amir Karimi Michael A Kersanac Ketchum & Walton Company Andranik K Khechoumian Byron A Krulewitch Robert C Kunkel Wichai Laksanakorn Stephen Z Lavoot Stephen I Lembo Macaire Incorporated Milton Meckler Claude R Melancon Richard D Miller Forrest F Moseley Ronald L Munn Mussun Sales Incorporated - Columbus WenBin Ng Gilbert L Nye Thomas L Paxson Victor L Penar 2020-21 ASHRAE Investor Honor Roll Process Engineering & Equipment Company Mariusz B Przymanowski Ronald R Reece Lee Riback RJ Mechanical Jose Felix Rodriguez Fred F Rolfes Lester L Rosewell Charles Sidney Sapp Heather R Schopplein Harvey L Schowe Services Energetiques R L Inc Charles D Simpson Devin Snowberger Alfredo Sotolongo James T Speakman Texas Air Systems Inc Thermal Resource Sales Thermo Systems Inc TM Sales John O Trueb Jeff Van Zanten Jake R Voegele Dean R Welch David L Westbrook Woody Wilson Michael Witkowski Buzz Wright Alana M Yip Robert F Zelsman HR 23