show products the same heat reach of standard convectors (expressed in W/ft2). It is recessed into the floor for applications that require energy efficiency of the overall heat envelope without interfering with design. Tankless Water Heater The Neuron Series tankless water heaters from Intellihot Inc. (5047) feature two separate heat engines that are independently controlled for built-in redundancy and twice the power of a tank water heater. Condensing Boiler With AERCO's (1301) advanced Edge Controller, Benchmark Platinum condensing boilers save time and money on installation and operating costs, simplify start-ups and maintenance, and strengthen system performance. Pilot Burner with Safety Switch The Robertshaw (1909) 1830-620 Pilot Burner Safety Switch is an ignition control with an embedded safety switch. The control's sensing technology automatically detects when a flame is not present to shut off gas flow and prevent an unsafe condition. Micro-CHP Appliance Condensing Boiler The SVF 1500-3000 Stainless Vertical Firetube hydronic boiler from Weil-McLain (3111) features thermal efficiency up to 96.8%, ease of installation and maintenance, user-friendly Unity control system, and Weil-McLain boiler reliability and longevity. In Floor Convector The new Marley THX In Floor Convector from Marley Engineered Products/Weil-McLain (3111) provides S 10 4 ASHRAE JOURNAL Condensate Neutralizer Axiom Industries Ltd. (7485) introduces the NC-1W to its portfolio of condensate neutralizers. The wall hung condensate neutralizer features a provisionally patented integrated bypass with float and a magnetic latch for quick visual identification of required service due to overflow condition. Enginuity Power Systems (9043) offers the Micro-Combined Heat and Power System. Replacing a customer's gas water heater with this system can cut emissions, reduce carbon footprint and save money. Low Btu Gas Furnace The Chinook Compact gas furnace from Dettson Industries/Ouellet (6580) is a low Btu gas furnace to accommodate tighter homes, smaller condos or additions. JAN UARY 2020 Condensing Gas Boiler NTI Boilers Inc. (5753) announces the new TRX residential condensing boiler available in both Heat-Only and Combi versions. It features the XTRATECH heat exchanger with A S H R A E J O U R N A L' S O F F I C I A L P R O D U CT & S H OW G U I D E