show products built for applications with flammable refrigerants. The unit works with A2L gases such as R-32 and R-1234yf. mechanical and electrical applications and threads up to 5 in. (127 mm) black iron pipe, rigid conduit and more. Vacuum Pump The Mastercool Inc. (3076) spark free vacuum pump #90066-B-SF is faces. The process is chemical-free and uses 95% less water than water and chemical cleaning combinations. Coil & Surface Cleaner Scale Removal System SpeedClean, LLC's (5353) Dry Steam Coil & Surface Cleaner uses high temperature steam and pressure to clean coils and other sur- The GDS-100 Scale Removal System by Goodway Technologies Corp. (4942) is a mobile clean in place (CIP) pump system optimized for Manage projects & jobs Streamline your operations Gain insight into business from one platform with automated tasks status with detailed reports S 13 6 A S H R A E J O U R N A L JAN UARY 2020 A S H R A E J O U R N A L' S O F F I C I A L P R O D U CT & S H OW G U I D E