NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015 - (Page 9)

ceo insights Perspectives is published for the National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies 11325 Random Hills Road, Suite 110 Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 383-3081 NAILBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS What's New fit is to recount a recent Q&A (edited, of course) with one of our long-time members who assists us in making this tool as valuable as possible for NAILBA members. David Long Chairman George C. Van Dusen IV Chair-Elect James Sorebo Secretary/ Treasurer Barbara Crowley Immediate Past Chairman Joseph Bosnack Brittany Cross Jason Lea, CFP Melinda S. Meyer Seixas Milner III Jeffrey D. Mooers Ben Nevejans Myra Palmer Thomas Riekse, Jr., ChFC, CEBS NAILBA EDITORIAL ADVISORY PANEL Scott Blumberg Michael Cohen, CLU Christi M. Daughenbaugh Sheri Leaders John McWilliams Jeffrey D. Mooers Lori Payne Laurie B. Prevette Thomas Riekse, Jr., ChFC, CEBS Michael Tessler NAILBA STAFF Jack Chiasson, CAE Chief Executive Officer Kathy Allison Director, Membership and the Foundation Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Director, Business Development Susan Klemmer Deputy Chief Executive Officer Rachel C. Marineau, CMP Manager, Meetings and Education Meredith Maslich Administrative Coordinator Sarah O'Hanley Manager, Exhibits, Sponsorships and Advertising John Tong Director, Administration and Operations Editor: Susan Klemmer Advertising: Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Design and Production: Blue House Creative Director: Elinor Van Dyck Designer: Katie Petty JACK CHIASSON, CAE NAILBA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER I 'm sure that you are all tired of hearing me tell you that summer is my favorite time of the year, so I will skip telling you that summer is my favorite time of the year this year. Instead, let's talk about some of the new "stuff" that's going on at NAILBA. By now you should all be aware- and are hopefully appreciating and taking advantage of-our advocacy partnership with the Association for Advanced Life Underwriting (AALU). As the recognized industry expert in all that happens in Washington, AALU has made their team available to NAILBA members to aid in adding YOUR voice to the message that is delivered to legislators and regulators. AALU keeps us all informed on what's going on with regard to everything that can affect your business, including tax reform proposals, the proposed DOL Fiduciary Standard, the estate tax repeal (or reform), and myriad other things that have a huge impact on the industry- and potentially on your livelihood. If you are not following what's happening in Washington-either here in Perspectives, or in the bi-weekly NAILBA Now e-newsletter-you should! The next new thing that is coming up-or may have already been launched!-is our online community, NAILBA Network. Perhaps the best way to describe this terrific new bene- Member: How is this information delivered to the NAILBA members? Jack: This will be interactive via email with links to the discussion (like LinkedIn or Facebook); it will be email alerts that generate responses. ■ There will be daily digest emails delivered to everyone's inbox. They can opt to subscribe in "real time" as well. ■ It is important to note that the interaction is email based-nobody has to go to a website. You can participate from your inbox. Conversation threads can be limited to a specific "folder" or subgroup. Member: Can people opt-in or optout of specialty discussion groups? We assume there will be BGA staff that do not want to be bothered with product, regulatory, or marketing discussions but will be extremely interested in discussion of standards or technology. Jack: Yes. If there's an interest or need, we can create "Principal Only" groups. Member: Can people selectively participate in just a specific discussion, or will they be exposed to all discussions and need to pick the ones of interest to them? Jack: In the beginning everyone will be subscribed to the one main group and will see a summary of each active discussion in their daily digest email. As we add more groups (i.e. standards, technology, etc.) they will be able to choose. And new communities will develop based on the interactions of the participants. The network expands or contracts to suit their needs. Member: Will there be subgroups in this discussion board tool that can be used for non-members (vendors, carriers and others who are involved with NAILBA) while excluding them from other groups? Jack: Initially this will be a members-only community, but eventually it is our intention to make this happen. We want to make sure the community works on two levels: memberto-member and member-to-external world (carriers, partner organizations like AALU and ACORD, vendors, exhibitor/sponsor, etc., who have a current active role with our members). This forum will not be positioned for a sales or marketing connection, but a dialogue between communities that exist in the brokerage industry. Our current database has to be adjusted to fit this need and that is the central hurdle we are working on in the implementation phase. NAILBA is very excited to be rolling out this new benefit. Several NAILBA staffers participate in similar online networks in their fields of expertise, and have found it very valuable in keeping up with trends, best (or accepted) practices, and new ideas. We engaged the expert in this type of service in order to make sure that it was "done right," and to date, we have been very impressed with what we have seen. We hope you feel the same. I know that I say this a lot, but we need to hear from you! Please take the time to check out these new member benefits and services that are being provided to you, and let us know a few things-how you use them, how they have benefitted your agency (or staff), what's missing, or how you can help to make any of them better. Call or email- I'm always happy to hear from you! See you next time. 9

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015

NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
What is the Future of Straight Through Processing?
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Member Profiles
Mooers Award Nominations
Agency Successor Networking Group
Life Happens
NAILBA 34 Program Preview
Reading Ahead
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers

NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2015