NAILBA Perspectives - January 2016 - (Page 9)

ceo insights Perspectives is published for the National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies 11325 Random Hills Road, Suite 110 Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 383-3081 NAILBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS George C. Van Dusen IV Chairman Take-aways from the Annual Meeting James Sorebo Chair-Elect Jeffrey D. Mooers Secretary/Treasurer David Long Immediate Past Chairman Joseph Bosnack Brittany Cross Jason E. Lea, CFP Melinda S. Meyer Seixas Milner III Ben Nevejans Myra Palmer JACK CHIASSON, CAE NAILBA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER NAILBA EDITORIAL ADVISORY PANEL Scott Blumberg Michael Cohen, CLU Christi M. Daughenbaugh Sheri Leaders John McWilliams Melinda S. Meyer Jeffrey D. Mooers Lori Payne Laurie B. Prevette Thomas Riekse, Jr., ChFC, CEBS Michael Tessler NAILBA STAFF Jack Chiasson, CAE Chief Executive Officer Kathy Allison Director, Membership and the Foundation Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Director, Business Development Susan Klemmer Deputy Chief Executive Officer Rachel C. Marineau, CMP Manager, Meetings and Education Meredith Maslich Administrative Coordinator Sarah O'Hanley, CEM Manager, Exhibits, Sponsorships and Advertising John Tong Director, Administration and Operations Editor: Susan Klemmer Advertising: Susan D. Haning, CEM, CMP Design and Production: Blue House Creative Director: Elinor Van Dyck Designer: Jessica Feirtag S o, today is my first day back in the office following NAILBA 34 in Orlando, and I thought that I would share some of my take-aways from those few days that we spent together. First is that NAILBA folks are some of the most fun people with whom I have ever had the pleasure of working. Y'all (yes, it's a real word) really know how to have a good time, as was evidenced by the laughter that seemed to be all around me-in the exhibit hall, in the hallways, at receptions and dinners-and even in the educational sessions! While some of this laughter may have been, ahem, "assisted" on some occasions, I suspect that this happiness is more genuine than not. I mean, really, laughter at 7:00 in the morning can't possibly be fueled by anything other than people enjoying each other's company, can it? Don't answer that question. I was quite happy to hear from the "State of the Industry" panel that many of you are doing things differently than you have in the past. I also have to tell you that I heard from many of the people in attendance at that session that it was good to hear that others were adopting a direct-to-consumer approach to continuing to build your businesses. Many, many thanks to the panelists for saying this out loud. There were a number of great ideas offered during this segment; I hope that many of you heard something that encouraged you to try similar approaches to your own businesses in the near future. Second is that there is an incredible amount of brain-power available in this gathering. Some of the conversations that I was able (and fortunate) to take part in showed me that this industry-despite all the "bad stuff" that seems to be happening-is in good shape to face the future. Yes, the industry is changing, and yes, there are challenges facing us, but the ideas that I heard, the information that was shared, and the sense that "we can make this work, regardless" tell me that the solutions are there. The next step for all of us is to sift through all the "stuff" we heard, and make a plan. More on this in a few minutes. Third is that I, like many (if not most) of you, am VERY tired after last week. No, I'm not looking for sympathy, but let's just acknowledge that it's out there! One of the things that we heard several times last week-from NAILBA's 2015 Chairman David Long, and from the 2016 Chairman Chip Van Dusen as well-is that NAILBA is, has always been, and will continue to be YOUR association. Many of you (but not always enough!) volunteer with NAILBA to help us make the Annual Meeting valuable, to help us find new members, and to design programs and services that will help keep NAILBA relevant to your continuing success. I would really like to emphasize this point. It's YOUR association. It's not enough for the NAILBA staff to come up with ideas in order to help you grow your businesses; YOU have to be willing to help design/develop those ideas for broader use. Please remember that NAILBA's mission is- and will continue to be-advocating for the independent brokerage distribution model. Don't lose sight of NAILBA's tag line "The Voice of Independent Brokerage Distribution"-it really IS what NAILBA is all about. One of the things that I talk about with other organization leaders- both in and outside of the insurance industry-is the need for more assistance from INSIDE any organization. Associations face many of the same challenges that BGAs face-relevance, growth of membership (or, in the case of BGAs-agents that write business through you), and programs and services that members are actually interested in-and USE! One thing that my association colleagues and I agree on is that it is not enough to hear that a program is not meeting members needs. We need to hear ideas for solutions as well. Many association executives are experts on association management (and all that goes along with that) but may not be subject-matter experts on the specific industry in which their association is involved. YOU are the experts in that area. So, here's my challenge to you. The next time you have a comment or concern about some way in which NAILBA is not meeting your needs, wants, and expectations, please be prepared to offer a possible solution as well. Also be prepared to be asked to help develop that solution. As you often hear about election politics, "if you don't vote, you can't complain!" (Well, I'm not going THAT far, but I think you get the idea.) By now you should all be aware that I want to hear from you, and how you can reach me, right? See you next time. 9

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - January 2016

NAILBA Perspectives - January 2016
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
Department of Labor Makes Waves with Proposed Fiduciary Rule
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
NAILBA 34 Highlights
Life Happens
Member Profile
Agency Successor Networking Group
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers

NAILBA Perspectives - January 2016