The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 27

2020 was such a tough
year that I promised
myself I would try
anything that offered
what I was looking for:
rest, relaxation,
and meditation.

daily hour-long walks and
find it really calms me down
and puts me in a positive
mindset, which we all need
these days. Another YouTube
channel I really like is called
Gentle Whispering. You
may have to try different
channels until you find one
that really speaks to you,
but there are hundreds from
which to choose. Some ASMR
channels focus on role play,

but presents her videos in

meaning the speaker will be

English. I've enjoyed ASMR

simulating a head massage,

videos in languages I don't
understand, as it's not about
the words but how the words
make you feel.
I find when I listen to
ASMR videos, I'm instantly
relaxed and feel energized
and either ready to tackle
my day or go to sleep,
depending on which video

a visit to the hairdresser, or
some other relaxing activity.
Those are generally less
compelling for me as I tend
to prefer softly spoken videos
or those featuring only
sounds or words.
I certainly don't blame
you if you're still a bit
skeptical, as this column
perhaps isn't the best

I chose. I sometimes also

medium to describe an

listen to ASMR during my

audio and video sensory

experience. However,
I wanted to share the
information about ASMR
widely because I bet many
of you will really like it.
It's also entirely free on
YouTube, although you
can choose to financially
support some of the hardworking content creators
through Patreon.
I've listened to ASMR
before complicated remote

simultaneous interpreting
assignments, right after
waking up, before I go to
sleep, and before conference
interpreting assignments. It
works like a charm and I feel
energized just thinking
about it. I think this is a
healthy addiction that many
of us might really enjoy in
2021. After you try ASMR, I
would love to know what
you think.

Tingting YouTube:
Gentle Whispering YouTube:
Cline, John, " What Is ASMR and Why Are People Watching
These Videos? " Psychology Today (September 6, 2018),
Kelles, Jamie. " How ASMR Became a Sensation, " The New York
Times (April 4, 2019),
Kwong, Emily. " What Causes ASMR? What's Behind the
Feeling? " National Public Radio (October 17, 2019),
Judy Jenner is a Spanish and German
business and legal translator and a federally and
state-certified (California, Nevada) Spanish court
interpreter. She has an MBA in marketing and
runs her boutique translation and interpreting
business, Twin Translations, with her twin sister Dagmar. She
was born in Austria and grew up in Mexico City. A former inhouse translation department manager, she is a past president
of the Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association. She
writes the blog Translation Times and is a frequent conference
speaker. She is the co-author of The Entrepreneurial Linguist:
The Business-School Approach to Freelance Translation.

This column is not intended to constitute legal, financial, or
other business advice. Each individual or company should
make its own independent business decisions and consult its
own legal, financial, or other advisors as appropriate. The
views expressed here are not necessarily those of ATA or its
Board of Directors. Ideas and questions should be directed to

American Translators Association


The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021

The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 1
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 2
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - Contents
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 4
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 5
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 6
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 7
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 8
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 9
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 10
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 11
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 12
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 13
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 14
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 15
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 16
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 17
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 18
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 19
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 20
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 21
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 22
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 23
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 24
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 25
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 26
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 27
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 28
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 29
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 30
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 31
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 32
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 33
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 34
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 35
The ATA Chronicle - March/April 2021 - 36