FIXED OPS JOURNAL SERVICE COUNTER Up in October The latest indexes from Xtime, which processes more than 10 million service appointments monthly, show U.S. repair order volume and revenue grew in October from the previous month. While volume is still below pre-pandemic levels, revenue per repair reached a record high. 3-month 2021 snapshot REPAIR ORDER VOLUME INDEX October September August 3-year snapshot October 2021 October 2020 October 2019 REPAIR ORDER VOLUME INDEX 89.8 92.9 106.1 REPAIR ORDER REVENUE INDEX 117.6 111.1 101.4 89.8 87.5 91.8 REPAIR ORDER REVENUE INDEX 117.6 116.3 115.2 Money matters RevolutionParts surveyed more than 200 dealerships this year to get feedback on manufacturers' programs for such things as software and parts loyalty and incentives. Here are some of the fi ndings. The most important to least important factor when considering the implementation of a manufacturer program: 1. Overall cost 2. Overall sales impact and lift 3. Success of other dealerships using program 4. Co-op funds 5. Total value of features and included benefi ts 6. Amount of training/support provided by manufacturer 7. Amount of time to implement 8. Access to back-end incentives from the manufacturer What could manufacturers do better to drive program adoption? Figures indicate percentage of respondents who selected each action. Provide better rebates/incentives: 52% Improve communication: 50% Expand options to better fi t dealer's business model: 46% Contribute co-op money to offset base costs: 43% Provide better data: 28% Reduce number of vendors for particular solution: 25% PAGE 6 DECEMBER 2021