Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - 12
An improved circular economy will earn plastic a permanent place in the material hierarchy
Supporting the circular
economy starts with
Dr. Chris Williams is technical sales and applications specialist at Hiden
Analytical and chair of the Manchester Polymer Group (MPG)
Plastic still beats other packaging alternatives, when
recycling processes are correctly managed
It's also worth noting that plastic production uses just 4%
lastics have been used for a vast range of applications
of all petrochemical production. On the other hand, 87% of
for many years as they are the best materials for the
that output used as fuel for transport and heating.
task. The advantages which plastic offers have meant
To help address the problem of plastic waste, manufacturthat the materials have been become a default packaging
ers are investigating ways to develop a circular economy.
choice, but their comparatively low value has resulted in
This would see plastic recycling supported through efa mindset of wastefulness.
ficient collection and processing.
Driven by images of plastic waste on beaches and
Collection is the key aspect, as recycling and rein the ocean, this has resulted in considerable negause creates a smaller, less impactful cycle than other
tive coverage across the general media.
options. For example, biodegradable plastics require
This has supported a series of plastic alternaan industrial scale composter, while energy extraction
tives being put forward. In many cases glass can do
(incineration) loses any energy already used to create
the same job, but it is more liable to breakage, plus it
the plastic material.
is heavier, which directly impacts transportation costs.
Education is vitally important. This highlights the benHolding a glass drink bottle in one hand and a PET
efits of recycling plastics, so that the energy it repreequivalent in the other is a perfect illustration
sents is not lost - so that the material does
of the problem.
not end up scattered across our counAnother suggested solution to helptryside or in our oceans. Programmes
ing reduce plastic waste is a switch to
to inform young people are critical to
paper and cardboard packaging. But,
like glass, paper is heavier and so
this message, while such campaigns
as Keep Britain Tidy should be used
would use more fuel for transporto help direct plastic waste back into
tation. Additionally, food producers
the circular economy.
would lose the extended product
The Manchester Polymer Group,
shelf life supported by advanced
a special interest group operating with
plastic films.
support from the Institute of Materials,
Paper and cardboard also use more
Minerals and Mining (IoM3), is planning
natural resources. Increased producRecycling paper
a seminar in October covering plastics
tion of these materials would result in
recycling and related issues. You can
more trees being used to make the barequires 91% more
find out more about 'Plastics and the
sic product. Further, paper production
energy than plastic
Environment - Where We Are and Posuses 17 times more water than plassible Solutions' at
tic, while recycling paper requires 91%
Dr. Chris Williams, Hiden Analytical
I hope you can join us.
more energy than plastic, kilo for kilo.
Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019
Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - Cover1
Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - Cover2
Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - Contents
Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - 4
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Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - 6
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Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - 8
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Plastics & Rubber World - July/August 2019 - Cover3
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