ACRL Footnotes - Preview Issue 2009 - (Page 10)

10 ACRL Footnotes • PREVIEW ISSUE ACRL 14th National Conference • Seattle, WA ACRL Legislative Advocates Program This is a very challenging time economically for libraries as it is for all of American society. On the other hand, it is also a time of great opportunity for anyone interested in the well-being of libraries and the furtherance of issues essential to the free exchange of information and other core beliefs of academic and research librarians. Both ACRL President Erika Linke and ALA President Jim Retting (himself an academic librarian) have made advocacy a key focus of their presidencies. ACRL is taking an active advocacy role in order to favorably affect state and federal legislation dealing with libraries and library issues. These issues include such things as federal funding for libraries through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), a strong Federal Depository Library system, access to government information, strong and fair copyright legislation for the digital age, and privacy of library and patron records These are all issues which affect academic and research libraries and librarians directly. A full explanation of ACRL’s position on these and other issues can be found in the ACRL Legislative Agenda:http:// In order to effectively advance library positions, particularly with the federal government, ACRL is expanding its Legislative Advocates Program. Are you interested in federal legislation and policy affecting libraries? Are you connected in your campus community? Are you willing to work with your members of Congress for change? If so, the ACRL Legislative Advocates Program may be for you! If you are selected to become an ACRL Legislative Advocate, you will be appointed to serve your profession for a two-year term, which may be renewed upon review by the ACRL Government Relations Committee. Legislative Advocates will be recognized and honored on the ACRL web site, annually in C&RL News, and during ALA National Library Legislative Day activities. The main requirement for an appointment as a Legislative Advocate (in addition to saying yes to the above questions) is that you maintain membership in ALA and ACRL. Advocates are not required to attend ALA Annual Conference or the ALA Midwinter Conference, or to attend National Library Day in Washington, DC (although we encourage your participation if possible). As far as possible, ALA/ACRL will provide “virtual participation” in these events, as well as virtual seminars and other advocacy training opportunities. Nor is it necessary to call upon your federal representatives in their Washington offices. It is often more effective to visit your Congressperson or Senator in their regional office back in their home district. And of course, other methods of communication (letter, phone call, email) are also encouraged. If you have been involved in any type of library advocacy activity at all in the past, you will have noticed that our colleagues in the public library and school library communities have been much more present, vocal and effective than members of the college and research library communities. It is time for us to stand up and speak out on behalf of all libraries, and, in particular, on those issues which effect academic libraries most directly. Complete information on the ACRL Legislative Advocates program can be found at: mgrps/divs/acrl/issues/washingtonwatch/acrladvocates.cfm You may apply online to become an ACRL Legislative Advocate at: http:// cfm. For more infomration, contact, Michael McLane, ACRL's Visiting Program Officer for Legislative Advocacy, at National Library Legislative Day: ACRL Travel Grants Attention current and potential ACRL Legislative Advocates! In light of ACRL President Erika Linke’s focus on legislative advocacy, the importance of ACRL member’s participation in National Library Legislative Day, and in recognition of the current tightness of travel funds in academic libraries, ACRL is pleased to announce the availability of up to $250 each for 10 individuals to attend National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) in Washington, DC on May 11-12, 2009. National Library Legislative Day is occasion when librarians, library staff and library supporters from throughout the country converge on Capitol Hill to meet with their federal representatives to advocate for the support of libraries and library-friendly legislation. The first day is a day of orientation to advocacy and Capitol Hill; the second day is reserved for visits to Congressional offices and a closing reception. Information on NLLD registration and housing can be Requirements for receiving an ACRL NLLD Travel Grant are: • Must be an ACRL Legislative Advocate (application to be an Advocate will be accepted simultaneously with travel grant application) • Must be first-time attendee at National Library Legislative Day • Deadline for submitting travel grant requests is March 20 found at: aboutala/offices/wo/washevents/nlld/ nlld2009.cfm Send request for travel grant by email to Michael McLane ( Those selected will be notified by March 30, 2009. Reimbursement will be made following NLLD upon receipt of reimbursement request and receipts for travel and/or hotel. Questions about NLLD and/or the travel grants? Contact Mike McLane at Exhibitor NEws NTIS Launches the National Technical Reports Library In April 2009, the National Technical Information Service will launch the National Technical Reports Library (NTRL) to further enhance accessibility to the NTIS technical reports collection. The purpose of the NTRL is to provide a more sophisticated platform to disseminate federally funded full-text technical reports to the widest possible audience. The NTRL operates on a system interface that allows users to do queries on the large NTIS bibliographic database. The intent is to broadly expand and improve access to over 2.5 million bibliographic records (pre-1960 to present) and 500k full-text documents in PDF format that are directly linked to that bibliographic database. As users request documents not yet in digital format NTIS will digitize the document and make it available for ordering on the NTIS Webstore in electronic download, microfiche and print formats. As required by Federal Law, NTIS must operate the NTRL on a costrecovery subscription business model. The goal is for NTRL to be available to subscribers beginning April 1, 2009. Annual subscription pricing is based on full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment. What you get: • Bibliographic records of more than 2,000,000 technical reports • Downloadable full text of 500,000 of these reports in PDF format A subscribing organization’s students, faculty, staff and on-site library patrons may access the National Technical Reports Library for non-commercial use from Internet-connected organizationwide locations. The National Technical Information Service is the Federal Government’s central source for the sale of scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information produced by or for the U.S. government and complementary material from international sources. Approximately 3 million products are available from NTIS at http://www.ntis. gov. NTIS receives no tax-supported Congressional appropriations. Experience the new National Technical Reports Library at NTIS’ ACRL booth #600. Exhibitor News features items provided by exhibitors at the ACRL 14th National Conference who are also advertising in ACRL Foonotes. ACRL and CustomNEWS are not responsible for this content. Go Green with • • • • • • • • • • SPCNet Buy your scholarly subscriptions through your consortia and save our consortia our cons rti and save n tia e some green. Scholarly Publishers’ Collaborative Network is your tive Netw r i your ive Network twor our GREEN link to the record of human ingenuity. Publishers available y. Publishers available u shers available h through SPCNet include: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc American Society for Investigative Pathology American Society for Nutrition American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Genetics Society of America Health Affairs Society for Leukocyte Biology The American Association of Immunologists Th American hysiological oc ety The American Physiological Society The American Physiological Society erican c ogical c Visit us at ACRL Booth #1144 For more information visit Email: or call 301.634.7305

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ACRL Footnotes - Preview Issue 2009

ACRL Footnotes - Preview Issue 2009
Highlights in Seattle
Greening ACRL 2009
Welcome to Seattle
Exciting Keynote Speaker Line-Up Awaits You
Don't Miss These Notable Events
Thank You to National Conference Component Committee
Jump Start: On the Road to Career Success
Visit ALA Placement Center in Seattle
ACRL Virtual Conference Continues to Grow
ACRL Thanks 14th National Conference Colleagues
Congratulations to Scholarship Recipients
Gloriana St. Clair Name ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year
Get Connected with ACRL
ACRL Legislative Advocates Program
National Library Legislative Day: ACRL Travel Grants
Exhibitor News
Arrive Early! Preconferences Offer Something for Everyone
ACRL 2009 Research –Intensive Programs

ACRL Footnotes - Preview Issue 2009