XX/X2020 Club Section.qxp_2019 Club Section 11/8/20 10:32 AM Page 16 Sierra League and Council www.sierraleague.com President: Jo Simpson (775) 787-7556 jo_simpson@sbcglobal.net Sierra League and Council Member Clubs & Contact Information ttttt SIERRA LEAGUE AND COUNCIL ALPINE SKI AND SNOWBOARD CLUB Las Vegas, Nevada www.alpineskiandsnowboard club.com President: Craig Cables alpineskiclub@embarqmail.com TOP: Reno Ski & Recreation members enjoying a bike ride. LOWER: Reno Ski & Recreation Club members held socially distanced happy hours at local parks during the pandemic. photos submitted by RS&RC Bay Area Snow Sports Council's Singles and Open Leagues and typically schedule six to eight races during the season. This collaboration keeps participation costs affordable and enhances the racing experience. Sierra racers span all ability levels and all skiers and boarders are welcome. Any skier or boarder who can make linked turns can have a fun time on the racecourse competing with skiers of similar ability. It's fun to meet and engage in friendly competition with members of other clubs. Junior racers are welcome if ac- companied by a racing parent or guardian and they race for free. Our racers are generous with their time to introduce new racers to the world of friendly competition. Check out our clubs. Sign up for a trip or activity. Ski clubs are a great way to meet active adults who enjoy outdoor recreation and a wide range of social activities. Visit our website www.sierraleague.com for links to our member clubs, racing information and Sierra Council activities. LAS VEGAS SKI, SNOWBOARD AND SPORTS CLUB Las Vegas, Nevada www.lasvegasskiclub.com President: Mark McNeil mark42750@cox.net RENO SKI AND RECREATION CLUB Reno, Nevada www.renoskiandrec.com President: Dianne Hilliard dihilliard@msn.com RU SKI CLUB Campbell, California www.bosin.net/ruski President: Pavel Bosin pavel@bosin.net SEQUOIA SKI CLUB Visalia, California www.sequoiaskiclub.com President: Woody Hogan wwhiii@hotmail.com TOP: Reno Ski & Recreation Club members also enjoy hiking in the Reno / Lake Tahoe area. Fresh air and an abundant number of uncrowded trails provide numerous opportunities to safely enjoy the outdoors. photo submitted by RS&RC LOWER: Bobbie and Bob Beaudoin pose for a photo at the Reno Ski & Recreation Club's gala New Year's Eve party at the National Automobile Museum. photo by Susie Jacox SUGAR BOWL SKI CLUB www.sugarbowlskiclub.com Norden, California President: Dan Gross dan@gross.name TAHOE-DONNER SENIOR ALPINE SKI CLUB www.tdski.com President: Bill Wang billwangesq@gmail.com TOP GUN SKI CLUB President: Greg Peairs shiftyp@aol.com ss 56 Far West Skier's Guide 2O2O - 2O21 / Visit the Digital Edition at www.fwsa.org.http://www.sierraleague.com http://www.alpineskiandsnowboard http://www.club.com http://www.lasvegasskiclub.com http://www.renoskiandrec.com http://www.sugarbowlskiclub.com http://www.bosin.net/ruski http://www.tdski.com https://www.sierraleague.com/ http://www.sequoiaskiclub.com https://www.sierraleague.com/ http://www.fwsa.org