n r t l to st h a e t C Congratulations to the Far West Ski Association for 90 years of o g a outstanding u a i n o t leadership! eF r W s Bogus Basin Ski Club was honored to host the 2017 FWSA Annual Convention in Boise, Idaho We are also proud to continue to sponsor the annual Warren Miller Film Festival as we have over the past 55 years and to support our ski community since 1938. The BBSC now has nearly 250 active members and growing! Bogus Basin Ski Club supports and provides funding for: BBSEF- Bogus Basin Ski Ed. Foundation BASE - Boise Adaptive Snow Education BBSP - Bogus Basin Ski Patrol College of Idaho Ski Team Bob Greenwood Athletic Scholarship For more information on our exciting year-round social, recreational, cultural and philanthropic activities please contact us at: bogusbasinskiclub.orghttp://www.bogusbasinskiclub.org