TOP RIGHT: The 2022 Mini Ski Trip was held in Utah where skiers enjoyed the slopes of Sundance Ski Resort. photo / provided by Nancy Ellis BELOW: Kayaking in Oregon is one of the many adventures enjoyed during the summer by Cascade Prime Timers Ski Club members. photo / Christine Ciardi, NWSCC Olympians Steve and Phil Mahre were the Keynote Speakers at the 2022 FWSA Convention. photo / Adam Bacher MID RIGHT: Sledding is a popular pastime in the Austrian Alps. Trip goers had fun on the Soldën Ski Week. photo / Debbie Stewart Big White Ski Resort is blessed with huge annual snowfalls; on average around 24 feet of dry natural powder. photo courtey of Big White Ski Resort LOWER RIGHT: The 12th Annual FWSA Scuba Diving trip will be held in the Turks & Caicos Islands in 2023. photo / Roatàn Charter Far West Skier's Guide 2O22 - 2O23 5