UPFRONT INFOGRAPHIC | 40 CLIP & GO ACTIVITY | 43 HEARD IT ON THE TWEET | 44 PEOPLE NEWS | 46 COMPANY NEWS | 47 AD INDEX | 48 FOCUS CONTACTS | 49 7 13 FROM THE PRESIDENT Leap of Faith By Michael Capaldi Innovation sets the tone for tomorrow. Michael explores new learning movements and how we can bene t from these opportunities. GUEST EDITOR CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Michael Capaldi Lance Dublin Dawn Epstein Karin Hawkinson David Ilconich Kaliym A. Islam Kevin Kruse Brian Lange Scott Moldenhauer Michelle O’Connor Kevin Oakes Malcolm Poulin Richard Ruff Brian Smith Tim Sosbe Janet Spirer Cover Photo Credits: Michel B. Massay Focus is the official magazine of The Society of Pharmacutical and Biotech Trainers (SPBT). The society is governed by a board of directors, with management operations handled by an executive management group. The magazine is published four times a year and subscriptions are free to all members of SPBT. Nonmember subscriptions are $100 per annum. Focus is designed to provide members of the Society of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Trainers with news and analysis of training, reports on trends in training, commentary and opinion, and reports on news and activities of SPBT. Field-Based Training: Developing Future Leaders is issue’s guest editor, Dawn Epstein, explores how eld-based training can be a winning advantage. 15 17 19 50 BY THE NUMBERS Gender Inequities in Training By Kevin Oakes Studies show women in the training industry face shameful salary inequities, but there are ways that you can make the playing eld fair. CUTTING EDGE Social Learning in Action: Beyond the Hype By Lance Dublin With the emergence of social media technologies, the time is right to leverage social learning to produce real business results. FRONT OF THE ROOM Time Management: Training the Clock-Watcher By Brian Lange Here’s a timely tip: Removing time constraints from training agendas makes the audience watch you, not the clock. 5 QUESTIONS 5 Questions With…John Baldoni By Kevin Kruse Kevin talks with leadership expert John Baldoni to better understand how leaders are shaped. Note: The Summer 2011 issue of Focus inadvertently featured a misspelling of the company name Genentech. We apologize for the error. FOCUS | FALL 2011 | www.spbt.org/resources/focus-magazine.aspx 11http://www.spbt.org/resources/focus-magazine.aspx