WHO WANTS TO ROLE-PLAY?! RT @SkillSoft: How Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries Approaches Learning @five_guys. #learning http://t.co/CDkEjpM Truly successful people spend more time in activities that simultaneously provide meaning & happiness. - http://ow.ly/5FRoZ via @CoachGoldsmith Web Surfing Makes You Work Better http://t.co/Y0XM3a9 via @WSJ RT @DanielPink Instructional Design Questions? There’s an App for that! t.co/CZkJUtF via @KKapp Saying "and" is abundance thinking. "A CEO of Campbell's explains the Genius of "AND" http://t.co/ziupMp8 via @LeadershipFreak www.youmakethecall.us Players don’t play if the coach doesn’t coach Don’t forget to join the conversation by 1) Joining the SPBT LinkedIn group at http://linkd.in/spbtgroup 2) Following the SPBT on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/spbt_tweets 3) Liking the SPBT page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SPBTPage [ Equipping managers to increase sales performance ] sales | service | coaching www.integrityservices.com | 800.646.8347 FOCUS | FALL 2011 | www.spbt.org/resources/focus-magazine.aspx 45http://www.t.co/CDkEjpM http://www.youmakethecall.us http://www.ow.ly/5FRoZ http://www.t.co/Y0XM3a9 http://www.t.co/CZkJUtF http://www.t.co/ziupMp8 http://linkd.in/spbtgroup http://linkd.in/spbtgroup http://www.Twitter.com/spbt_tweets http://www.Twitter.com/spbt_tweets http://www.integrityservices.com http://www.facebook.com/SPBTPage http://www.facebook.com/SPBTPage http://www.integrityservices.com http://www.spbt.org/resources/focus-magazine.aspx