Agilent 2019 - 33

Automated Nucleic Acid Sample Quality Control in NGS Workflows

libraries at equimolar concentrations will allow
optimal usage of the flow cell, leading to good
sequencing results.
The method of choice for DNA and RNA sample QC is
separation by electrophoresis. Agilent offers several
instrument platforms that address different user
needs for throughput and applications. For the integrity analysis of genomic DNA or total RNA, Agilent has
developed standards that are used on the TapeStation
systems: the DNA integrity number equivalent (DIN)
and RNA integrity number equivalent, (RINe). Both
quality scores range from 1 to 10, where 10 indicates
an excellent sample integrity. The integrity numbers
provide the user an independent, objective, and reproducible tool for nucleic acid quality assessment. With
the help of these software provided integrity numbers,
it is very easy for the user to interpret electrophoretic
data and to establish sample type and application
specific thresholds that need to be met. Samples that
are below the threshold limit would be rejected from
the workflow to save money and time by ensuring
experimental success.
Q: What are the benefits of the
TapeStation systems?
A: The TapeStation systems use proprietary and
unique ScreenTape technology developed by Agilent,
which enable some key advantages for our customers
and addresses major pain points in NGS nucleic



acid sample QC. The ScreenTape technology offers
unmatched ease-of use, higher sensitivity, speed, and
resolution over classical slab gel electrophoresis.
The ScreenTape device is a credit card sized plastic
disposable that enables the electrophoretic separation
of up to 16 samples in individual lanes, eliminating any
cross-contamination between samples. Each sample
lane includes a preloaded sieving polymer matrix,
electrodes, and a buffer chamber. A major benefit of
this technology is that the ScreenTape device does not
require any preparation. Simply remove the ScreenTape
from the packaging, place it onto the instrument, and
the instrument is ready to run immediately following
sample preparation. There is no need to use all 16
lanes of the ScreenTape device during a single run.
Only run the number of samples that you need and
save the remaining lanes on the ScreenTape for use
later. This enables maximum flexibility in throughput
as well as constant costs per sample.
A large portfolio of different DNA and RNA ScreenTape
assays is available that addresses different customer
needs for separation range and sensitivity. Depending
on the assay, only 1 to 2 µl of precious sample is
required, with concentrations as low as 5 pg/µl. Each
ScreenTape device is barcoded and automatically
detected by the instrument, so that the specific assay
settings, such as electrophoresis parameters and data
analysis configurations, are automatically loaded.
Agilent offers two instruments that are based on

ScreenTape technology. The 4200 TapeStation system
is compatible with 96-well plates and can run up to
96 samples unattended, while the newer 4150
TapeStation instrument is a low-throughput instrument
for the analysis of 1 to 16 samples. Both instrument
versions provide full compatibility with the existing
ScreenTape application portfolio.
Q: Can you please highlight the differences between
the individual TapeStation models?
A: The 4200 TapeStation system, that was introduced
in 2015, provides nucleic acid sample QC solutions that
meet the needs of mid-to-high throughput customers.
As these customers typically process samples in
well plate format, the 4200 TapeStation instrument is
compatible with 96 well plates. There has been growing
demand from budget restricted customers for a priceattractive instrument that offers all the advantages
of the ScreenTape technology for lower throughput
customers. While the 4200 TapeStation instrument can
process up to 96 samples in an automated and
walk-away fashion, the 4150 TapeStation instrument
allows the analysis of up to 16 RNA or DNA samples.
Both instruments share the same set of accessories
and consumables. In addition, both systems are
compatible with all DNA and RNA ScreenTape assays
with the same specifications of sensitivity, sizing and
quantitation accuracy and precision. The compact
footprint of the 4150 TapeStation saves valuable
bench space in the lab, which is highly appreciated in

Agilent 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Agilent 2019

Agilent 2019 - 1
Agilent 2019 - 2
Agilent 2019 - 3
Agilent 2019 - 4
Agilent 2019 - Contents
Agilent 2019 - 6
Agilent 2019 - 7
Agilent 2019 - 8
Agilent 2019 - 9
Agilent 2019 - 10
Agilent 2019 - 11
Agilent 2019 - 12
Agilent 2019 - 13
Agilent 2019 - 14
Agilent 2019 - 15
Agilent 2019 - 16
Agilent 2019 - 17
Agilent 2019 - 18
Agilent 2019 - 19
Agilent 2019 - 20
Agilent 2019 - 21
Agilent 2019 - 22
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Agilent 2019 - 30
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Agilent 2019 - 33
Agilent 2019 - 34
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