Cisbio eBook - 26

Tweaking Life's Information-Processing Platform Could
Simplify the Development of Biotech and Healthcare Apps

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Life's Code Accepts
New Characters
Ashley Jean Yeager


lthough the DNA "alphabet" consists
of four letters that can be arranged in
countless sequences, providing programs for
all living organisms, the code of life is just too
constraining-if you're a synthetic biologist,
that is. Synthetic biologists refuse to accept the
limitations that are built into life's system for
information storage and retrieval.
Instead, they intend to create their own
programming platforms, which will, in turn,
facilitate the development of life-enhancing
applications-improved cell lines for protein
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production, genetic firewalls against infectious
agents, anticancer therapeutics, and more.
Synthetic biologists have been creating modified versions of life's most basic building blocks
and introducing entirely new letters to DNA's
alphabet. To give themselves even more elbow
room, synthetic biologists are also reworking
the genetic code that relates messenger
RNA nucleotide sequences to amino acid
sequences. Finally, at yet another layer of life's
chemistry, synthetic biologists are getting
proteins to incorporate alternative versions


interactions of wide
size and affinity range

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