Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 22


Enhanced Development of Virus-Specific
Hybridomas Using ClonePix and
CloneSelect Imager Technologies
ouble-stranded DNA (ds-DNA) viruses
cause a variety of disease in humans.
Species within the order of Herpesvirus and
the families Adenovirus and Papillomavirus can
cause symptoms in humans with similar presentations. Furthermore, serological and proteinbased diagnostic confirmation for a particular
virus may be complicated due to antigen conservation within viral genomes. A high degree
of proteomic homology and serum cross reactivities lead to poor differentiation between
individual species of ds-DNA viruses. The pur22

| GENengnews.com

pose of the research was to identify an optimal
producer cell line that secrets a highly specific,
non-cross-reactive monoclonal antibody to be
used in biotherapeutics development.
The ClonePix™ System was employed in the
high-throughput screening of hundreds of
sub-cloned colonies from parental hybridoma
material (historically parental line yields were
less than 1 mg/L of mAb). Viable, high-IgG
secreting clones were further objectively
assessed for growth characteristics using


ClonePix 2
Mammalian Colony Picker
A complete solution for the automated
screening and objective selection of
high-value clones
Learn More

https://www.moleculardevices.com/products/clone-screening-systems/mammalian-screening/clonepix-2-mammalian-colony-picker?utm_source=gen&utm_medium=ebook http://www.GENengnews.com

Optimize, Adapt and Overcome

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Optimize, Adapt and Overcome

Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 1
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 2
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 3
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - Contents
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 5
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 6
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 7
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 8
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 9
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 10
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 11
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