Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 30

Screening and Selection of
GPCR-Expressing Cell Lines
A Rapid Method to Screen and Pick
Cells with Optimal Expression Levels
Alison Glaser


| GENengnews.com

Although the human genome project enables
GPCR's genome sequence to be determined,
challenges exist in identifying unique GPCRs
and their subsequent ligands. Critical to
researchers is the need to improve efficiency
of target validation while shortening timelines
once the target is selected for expression
and cloning.
Traditionally, GPCR discovery efforts rely on
various functional assays such as measuring
levels of cAMP or monitoring cytoplasmic


Application Note
Rapid selection and development of GPCR
expressing mammalian cell lines using novel
ClonePix Technology

nicolas_/Getty Images

he G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)
family represents the largest and most
versatile group of cell surface receptors, and
are targets of approximately 50% of
pharmaceutical drugs in the marketplace.
Identifying key modulators of GPCRs and
ligands against known and orphan GPCRs are
at the crux of drug discovery efforts. However,
the path to identifying GPCR targets is not
straightforward given the complexity of
signaling pathways and interactions with
other cellular components.

https://www.moleculardevices.com/sites/default/files/en/assets/app-note/bpd/rapid-selection-and-development-of-gpcr-expressing-mammalian-cell-lines-using-novel-clonepix.pdf?utm_sour ce=gen&utm_medium=ebook http://www.GENengnews.com

Optimize, Adapt and Overcome

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Optimize, Adapt and Overcome

Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 1
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 2
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 3
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - Contents
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 5
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 6
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Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 9
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