Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 38
Optimize, Adapt, and Overcome: Tips from the Cell Line Development Front * How to Improve Cell-Line Productivity
Ms. Holroyd
Both factors are equally important. The large degree of
genomic "plasticity" by the CHO genome has always been
exploited by developers when selecting clonal cell lines.
Selection of better parental cell-line pedigrees has improved
the clonal productivity efficiencies. The engineering of the
parental cell to create improved selection systems (for
example, GS−/− using zinc finger nuclease technology)
now provides the ability to select for a particular phenotype
(productivity and/or protein quality) by screening fewer
clones giving one a high statistical probability of finding
clones with the desired traits.
In conjunction with the cell line, the development of
optimized media and feeds plays an integral role in a
platform approach across multiple clones and molecules.
The increasing focus on biosimilar drug development,
media, and feed optimization will be major effectors on
modulation of protein quality attributes with the goal of
matching the innovator drug profiles.
Dr. Fisch
To rapidly select a stable and high-producing cell clone in
a defined media and feed, Selexis has taken an approach
that has impacted protein productivity and quality from
| GENengnews.com
Historically, the main focus in cell-line development has been on generating and
finding highly expressing clones through optimizing selection systems, expression
vectors, and screening.
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Optimize, Adapt and Overcome
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 1
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 2
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - 3
Optimize, Adapt and Overcome - Contents
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