The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 169

The atomic bomb brought a permanent end to the innocent optimism which the earlier spiritual artists had felt about technology. To a degree unparalleled in earlier history12 people came to realize the destructive effects of technology. And this in turn shook the belief of Junko’s generation in the Judaeochristian view of mankind as the “crown of creation,” above nature. for we came to realize that mankind could become an adversary to both itself and the whole of creation. This in turn reinforced a distaste for the notion that nature is there for man to conquer and exploit: instead, the experience of the atomic bomb made all of us more receptive to ecological concerns. And this led to a distrust of the views which underlay and promoted the industrial revolution: economic prosperity and growth came to be seen as just one aspect of a more complicated picture. now it was necessary for us to find ways for man and nature to live together in harmony. That ancient Shinto sensibility started to take some root even in the Western heart. These sensibilities are palpable throughout Junko’s work, which does not “glorify” mankind and which empathizes with life in plants, in roots, and even in inaminate things. These five influences combined to move the art world away from “modernism” and into “postmodernism”: let me call them the “five motivations.” The postmoderns reacted against the innocence of the moderns and, eager to clean their philosophical house, they swept the baby out with the proverbial bathwater. because the moderns still believed in the grand narratives of the past, the postmoderns rejected the whole concept of a narrative: they did not think of the possibility that there might be another kind of narrative. because the moderns still believed in excellence and truth, the postmoderns rejected the whole concept of standards: they did not think of the possibility that there might be another kind of truth. because the moderns still believed that art could speak seriously to the community of man, the postmoderns rejected the whole notion of such a community and insisted instead that art is ultimately a matter of pure self-expression. Junko lives and works after the postmodern age and her work reflects a vibrant part two // chapter four A Vital Spirituality p. 169

The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth

The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth


-Definition of Centripetal Art
-Its Place In Art History: After the Postmodern Period
-Introducing the Subject Matter: One Centripetal Artist's Journey
-The Relationship With Multiculturalism
-After the Death of God and of Art



-How the Author's Connection With His Wife's Art Grew More Intimate Over the Years
-Learning In Marriage
-"Why Does God Need To Paint?"
[Section One] Individual Visitants
-Dead Flowers and Root
-Lungs and Rib Cage

CHAPTER FOUR - A Vital Spirituality

-Why This Art Could Not Have Been Created Earlier
-Echoes of the Spiritual Arts of the Early 20th Century
-The Impact of the Atomic Bomb; Ecological Concerns
-Markers for Spirituality
-Centripetal Art Overflows the Studio: Therapy

CHAPTER SIX - A Complex Spirituality

-Spirituality of the 21st Century


-Polytheism and Monotheism in Art
-Goethe’s Aphorism
-Marriage and the Alchemist’s Furnace
Themes In Series
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverB
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverC
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverF
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverG
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth -


The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Definition of Centripetal Art
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -The Relationship With Multiculturalism
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -After the Death of God and of Art
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth -


The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - IX
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - X
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - XI
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - XIII
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -How the Author's Connection With His Wife's Art Grew More Intimate Over the Years
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 2
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -"Why Does God Need To Paint?"
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Dead Flowers and Root
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 15
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 16
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 17
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 18
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 19
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 48
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Lungs and Rib Cage
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 82
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 83
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 84
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 85
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 158
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Echoes of the Spiritual Arts of the Early 20th Century
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -The Impact of the Atomic Bomb; Ecological Concerns
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 169
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 170
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Centripetal Art Overflows the Studio: Therapy
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 188
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 189
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 224
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Spirituality of the 21st Century
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 226
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 227
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 234
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 235
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 288
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Polytheism and Monotheism in Art
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 290
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 291
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 292
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Goethe’s Aphorism
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Marriage and the Alchemist’s Furnace
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 295
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - Themes In Series
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverJ