The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 290
terrain vehicles: in that shrine no one speaks above a whisper, and when you walk through this forest you can hear your own footsteps on the swept gravel stones. My father-in-law and I walked silently through the torii, the tall Japanese gate made of two trees and two cross-beams, along the walkway which leads through the dark forest to the shrine in the center of the park, and I watched as he bowed his head and clasped his hands and stood silent for a few minutes. We said nothing to each other until we were back on the busy streets of Shibuya. From that experience I think I learned the true nature of prayer more deeply than I had learned it in years of going to synagogue and reciting the time-hallowed texts. So why did the notion of “polytheism” occur to me, and why did I find it so disturbing? Of course, the works are disturbing: if they were not disturbing they could not be great art.1 And the central work, Ecstasy, is in fact outrageously and emphatically polytheistic. It depicts a Bird, but this is no Bird that Jehovah could ever have imagined when He created the flying things on the 5th day. It is too enormous to be a bird, and its heart is made of steel, an engine—and there is fire in the center of it. And it is at the same time a giant female sexual organ. It hovers over a script, the risshukyô, the sutra recited daily, with great solemnity, in esoteric Buddhist services in thousands of temples across Japan2 which reads, “Sexual ecstasy, clean and pure, this too is the realm of the boddhisatva”: and the notion of sexual ecstasy being “clean” and “pure,” and the idea of reciting such a proposition daily in church, is about as far away from the Judaeo-Christian tradition as it gets. Although this Bird derives from the slaughtered chicken, it shows more the aspect of Tyrannosaurus Rex and the fierce predatory dinosaurs from whom it is descended. It is an epiphany of the Bird Junko had painted in her 1991 Requiem series, but this bird is not about to be executed. No, quite the opposite: it feels as if it might leap off the gallery wall and devour the viewer. But it could not leap: it is too heavy. Its mode of locomotion is mysterious. It might waddle, or it might move simply by willing itself from one place to another; or if it could fly, it would not fly toward heaven but would flap its leafy wings p. 290 Centripetal Art / matrix of growth
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth
-Definition of Centripetal Art
-Its Place In Art History: After the Postmodern Period
-Introducing the Subject Matter: One Centripetal Artist's Journey
-The Relationship With Multiculturalism
-After the Death of God and of Art
-How the Author's Connection With His Wife's Art Grew More Intimate Over the Years
-Learning In Marriage
-"Why Does God Need To Paint?"
[Section One] Individual Visitants
-Dead Flowers and Root
-Lungs and Rib Cage
CHAPTER FOUR - A Vital Spirituality
-Why This Art Could Not Have Been Created Earlier
-Echoes of the Spiritual Arts of the Early 20th Century
-The Impact of the Atomic Bomb; Ecological Concerns
-Markers for Spirituality
-Centripetal Art Overflows the Studio: Therapy
CHAPTER SIX - A Complex Spirituality
-Spirituality of the 21st Century
-Polytheism and Monotheism in Art
-Goethe’s Aphorism
-Marriage and the Alchemist’s Furnace
Themes In Series
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverB
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverC
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverF
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverG
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - PREFACE
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Definition of Centripetal Art
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -The Relationship With Multiculturalism
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -After the Death of God and of Art
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - TABLE OF CONTENTS
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - IX
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - X
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - XI
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - XIII
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -How the Author's Connection With His Wife's Art Grew More Intimate Over the Years
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 2
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -"Why Does God Need To Paint?"
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Dead Flowers and Root
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 15
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 16
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 17
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 18
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 19
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 48
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Lungs and Rib Cage
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 82
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 83
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 84
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 85
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 158
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Echoes of the Spiritual Arts of the Early 20th Century
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -The Impact of the Atomic Bomb; Ecological Concerns
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 169
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 170
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Centripetal Art Overflows the Studio: Therapy
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 188
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 189
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 224
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Spirituality of the 21st Century
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 226
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 227
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 234
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 235
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 288
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Polytheism and Monotheism in Art
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 290
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 291
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 292
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Goethe’s Aphorism
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - -Marriage and the Alchemist’s Furnace
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - 295
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - Themes In Series
The Centripetal Art of Junko Chodos, Matrix of Spiritual Growth - CoverJ