70 Jackson Drive • Unit R Cranford, NJ 07016 BOOTH #’S 1809-10-11-12 1909-10-11-12 800 378-7754 Proud to be Family Owned and Operated! Big enough for all your supplies and equipment, small enough to care about your practice FULL SERVICE DENTAL DEALER $5000 OFF ANY CONE BEAM GREATER NEW YORK DENTAL MEETING ONLY Cannot be combined with any other offers. Clip & Save. Ex ires November 28, 2012. FREE $50 GIFT CARD AT TRI-STATE DENTAL’S BOOTH Booth #’s: 1809-10-11-12 / 1909-10-11-12 Must Purchase $500 on supplies or equipment. Cannot be combined with any other offers. During convention only. Best prices at the convention! You can’t beat them! Join us at the Tri-State booth! 19