Greater New York Dental Meeting Entertainment Committee Edward J. Miller, Jr. Chairman Registration Committee Anthony E. Chillura Chairman Frederick Baker Erin Barker Orest G. Bauer Debra Chambes Aman Cirius Neal J. Cronin Larry Dober Theodore P. Edwards Carolina Escoedo Martin Fisher Simon Flamm Maureen Gallagher Linda A. Goodman Mark I. Gurin Robert D. Halikias Corazon Joven-Mora William Kaplan Susan Kolin-Liebman George Kralik Thomas R. Manley Judy Mori Marvin Reichbach Smita Rewari Scott P. Schechter William Scheuerman Liana Schnipar-Libin Shahram Shekib Mark Stevens Harold Sussman RoseAnn Vernice Brian Webber Edwin Weinfeld Robert G. Wendt John J. Young, Jr. Harmar Ney Arias Florence Bowens Ruth Breytman Arthur Calem Myron Freedner Edward Jastremski Allen Parks Carlos D. Peixoto Andres Rengifo Advisory Committee John R. Halikias Chairman Outreach Committee Lauro F. Medrano-Saldaña Chairman Anthony L. Di Mango Morton L. Divack Robert R. Edwab Harold Gelb Jay I. Glat David I. Kratenstein Howard I.A. Lieb Gerard E. McGuirk John S. McIntyre Howard B. Menell Clifford E. Salm Joseph Schachner Leslie W. Seldin Robert A. Seminara David S. Shelby James E. Spencer Hospitality Committee Sherry B. Rausch Louise DeLucia Co-Chairman Stephanie Bailey Mallory Brenner Deborah Chillura Mafalda Di Mango Ruth Divack Maro Doundoulakis Sherry Edwab Jeannine Ferriola Tisha Gainor Deborah Galgano Elly Glat Katherine Halikias Liora Lerner Joyce Lieb Terri McIntyre Carmen Medrano Mila Mondre Abby Oshrain Nina Padukone Bharati Parikh Berta Ponzo Susan Schachner Esther Schwartz Tina Segelnick Constance Seldin Gloria Seminara Joyce Spencer Jennifer A. Sylvia Troubleshooters Kathleen L. Agoglia Lawrence Bailey Lois A. Jackson Ian M. Lerner Donna J. Rumberger Steven J. Mondre Steven S. Schwartz Maitreya Padukone Sincere appreciation is extended to the Officers and Members of the New York County Dental Society and the Second District Dental Society, Committee Members, Exhibitors and Participants listed throughout this Program and Exhibit Guide for helping to make this the largest and most popular Dental Meeting/Convention/Exposition/Congress in the United States. 5 General Information