Whenever you find a penny, you will know that Grandma loves you! Penny Love is a beautifully illustrated keepsake book that every grandmother will want to share with her grandchildren. This story tells of a little girl who finds a penny and shows it to her Grandma. As only a Grandma would, she uses this simple moment to show her granddaughter just how much “Grandma loves her.” With each passing year the girl realizes Grandma’s over-flowing love is always with her. To order this first edition hardcover book, call 1-877-421-READ, or order online at www.PennyLoveBook.com. For an author signed or personalized copy, you can email the author direct at Author@PennyLoveBook.com Exclusive GRAND Offer Purchase your copy online at www.PennyLoveBook.com and receive a free Penny Love charm. Great gift for new grandmoms, baby showers, birthdays or a delightful treasure to add to your home library. Penny Love ISBN 1-57921-844-X $11.95