Real Advice Prepare Your Home For The Family From Coach Carolyn From REAL People. Flowers For The Impatient Gardener From REAL Powered by Humana hanges n Schulz. I am a ant for Humana. first career I was a ologist for 34 years. ather but my nce is coming 4 a.m. on Monday, do bearing storms rn Indiana and into hich is where I live. went off and others devises that keep e weather both day Baby Boomers and those retiring are entering grandparenthood. Our generation was the largest in history and many of our children are jumping into family life in just as big a way. This time of your life can be one of the rewards for all of your years of hard work. The 15 basic things you need to grandchildren proof your home. You may have heard these before, but just in case you haven’t: 1. Pick up all breakables that little hands could reach or knock over Learn how to keep your grandchildren safe… Read More There’s nothing like sprouting your own flowers from seeds. Though they take a little longer to spring into action than bedding plants, you’ll have the pleasure of nurturing them from seedling to full splendor. And even if you’re an impatient gardener – you’ll find these fast growing beauties well worth the effort. Cosmos is a half-hardy annual with daisy-like flowers that grow 2-8 feet tall in maturity. Colors come in shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, scarlet, lavender, white and striped varieties. Cosmos enjoys average garden soil and a sunny location. Find out what to plant this Spring in your garden… Read More or Spring weather Read More