Too old for sex? It just ain’t true! BY BARBARA AND MICHAEL JONAS W Share this article with your friends. e live in a youth-drenched culture—one that often suggests it’s unseemly to be sexually active after a “certain age.” Sadly, the media reinforce this blatant untruth—just look at how infrequently “older” couples are depicted as lovers in movies and on TV. It’s a myth! But how do we keep from buying into it? There are a number of strategies you 30 GRAND MAY JUNE 2011 might want to consider: 1. Keep yourself physically fit. No, not a triathlon! But by staying active (within your capabilities), middle-age spread is not inevitable. And feeling good about yourself makes it easier to feel sexy. 2. Keep your relationship fit. Introduce new ideas and things to share. If your relationship continues to grow, so will your interest and energy—and your sex drive.