adds, “engaging the child further by accentuating the positive. I said to my grandchild, ‘You know, grandma helps raise money to fight this disease I have, because we want to help doctors find the answer, so one day others can be cured.’ “Children can exhibit tremendous insight at a very young age and can absorb meaning at remarkably high levels. When I told our young granddaughter about the MS HOPE Trials I was involved in, her interest grew, and she began asking more questions! “Grandparents need to model appropriate and trustworthy behavior. You teach a confide in those close to them, and not hold it in. It helps them build proper perspective as they learn.” * Click here for Part 2 of Shelley’s story. To learn more about Shelley’s proactive work click here, and visit You may also email her at MAY JUNE 2011 GRAND 43