contents MAY/JUNE 2011 8 GRAND CENTRAL Who’s keeping score?... no pain, all gain...coolest camps ever! 12 Rational Grandkids? Yes! What to say when they blame their spilt milk on a sloppy gorilla 14 Bragging Rights My grandkid is smarter than your grandkid... 18 ON THE COVER Sandie N. Tillotson: A Force for Good She’s encouraging her grandkids to follow their dreams 22 EXTRAORDINARY GRANDS Charlie & Gaytha Hillman: Grand Entrepreneurs Imagination + Innovation = Independent living 24 Improving Medicare Do you have a Medicare story to tell? Families USA wants to know 28 Growing Old vs. Growing Up Our secret: 50-plus sex is better than ever! 30 Too Old for Sex? You gotta be kidding! 32 Kids As Caregivers So young and so much responsibility to bear COVER PHOTO: © Erik Östling 36 GRANDPARENT RIGHTS My Way or the Highway Can you enforce boundaries without all hell breaking loose? 41 KINSHIP CARE RESOURCES 42 Straight Talk on Disabilities Your grandkids trust you to tell the truth 44 Look for the Moon in the Morning A perfect time to savor the sweet air of freedom 46 TOYS ’N TECH Fun New Toys from Toy Fair DadDoes reveals the best of the best 48 GRAND FINALE Snap! Say cheese MAY JUNE 2011 GRAND 5 32 12 18