Grandstanding Even if you can’t be in the bleachers for your g’kid’s Little League game, you can still follow the action. The GameChanger app delivers live youth/amateur baseball game updates to the Web, where you and PopPop can follow along in real time. See a video of it in action. Point and click all day, pain free GRAND Magazine staffers are getting great results from Pete Egoscue’s simple methods to eliminate arm, wrist and shoulder pain from long hours at the computer. Egoscue, an anatomical physiologist, is the author of Pain Free at Your PC and Pain Free: A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain. Custody is constitutional Good news on the grandparent custody front: South Dakota’s Supreme Court ruled that laws granting custody to grandparents and other non-parents are constitutional. The ruling gives a couple another chance to seek custody of their 4-year-old granddaughter. MAY JUNE 2011 GRAND 9 Guardian grands Click here for a FREE resource for your children to legally document who they want to care for your grandkids in the case of an emergency or sudden death. Free from the website of Alexis Neely, author of Wear Clean Underwear, an easy-to-understand parent’s guide to legal planning.