toys ’n tech
My brain is still hurting
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By dAn
Ever wish you could see and chat with your grandlion square feet of gad kids who live across the country, without leaving your couch? Now you can with the Biscotti TV Phone. The Consumer electronics Biscotti is an incredibly easy-to-use device that hooks greatest in technology up to your TV and turns it into a beautiful HD video something for everyon phone. With no monthly fees you can video chat with gadgets to keep you h the grandkids all day. that will get you out an [Biscotti TV Phone $199. Full Review] While you’re in your living room making video calls with the Biscotti, why not also watch all the video the web has to offer with the Boxee Box by D-Link? Yes, the Boxee Box is a neatly disguised computer that connects to your TV and easily brings in all the TV shows, movies and video clips that live online. A drop-dead-easy interface makes this a great way to enjoy online videos from the comfort of your couch, without any confusing software or drivers to install. [Boxee Box by D-Link $179. Full Review]
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRAND Magazine - March/April 2012