H2Tech Market Data 2023 - 31
project with UK-based Chinook Sciences. The project would
include a production facility and an FCEV refueling station.
The UAE is also producing green steel using H2
from Abu
Dhabi National Energy Co. Additionally, as per an agreement
signed in July 2021, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp. (ENEC)
and France's EDF Energy will explore the production of pink
, powered by nuclear energy.
Lastly, Technip Energies has partnered with Abu Dhabi's
National Petroleum Construction Co. (NPCC) to develop
both blue and green H2
projects in the Middle East and
North Africa, as well as focus on carbon capture projects-
Technip Energies and NPCC signed a FEED contract with
Petronas to develop a CCS project at the Kasawari gas field
offshore Sarawak, Malaysia.
Oman. The country plans to develop a hydrogen-centric
society by 2040. In late 2021, Oman's Head of Energy Renewal,
Abullah al Abri, announced that the country's goals were
to scale up H2
production (green and blue) to 1 GW by 2025,
10 GW by 2030 and 30 GW by 2040. The significant increase
in clean-H2
and green ammonia exports globally.
production-the country has ample winds and
solar irradiation-will enable Oman to become a major player
in green H2
Oman also plans to expand its own renewable energy
sector by adding 11% clean energy to its power mix by 2023
and expanding this to 30% by 2030. The addition of renewable
power will be instrumental in meeting targeted goals
for H2
wind farm to provide power to 400 MW of electrolyzers
to produce green H2
. The green H2
Israel plans to develop its first green H2
will be converted into
green ammonia and exported. Also in Salalah, ACWA Power,
Oman Oil and Air Products plan to invest upwards of $7 B to
produce green H2
. The project will include the integration of
renewable power from solar, wind and storage; the production
of green H2
by electrolysis; the production of nitrogen
by air separation; and the production of green ammonia.
In the Duqm Special Economic Zone, ACME and Scatec
are investing $2.5 B to develop a large-scale green ammonia
facility. Phase 1 will use 300 MW of electrolyzer capacity-
powered by solar power-to produce 100,000 tpy of green
ammonia. The project developers plan to expand the facility's
production capacity to 1.2 MMtpy in the future. The project
partners have signed an offtake agreement with Yara,
which will use a portion of the ammonia to produce green
fertilizers. Other uses for the produced green ammonia
will be to decarbonize several industries such as shipping,
power and steelmaking.
Lastly, Oman plans to develop the country's first wasteto-H2
plant. The $1.4-B project will convert approximately
1 MMtpy of municipal solid waste-the plant could be
expanded to 4 MMtpy, if needed-into H2
produced will be exported.
. The green H2
production. For example, a consortium comprised of
OQ, InterContinental Energy and EnerTech are developing a
massive $30-B, 25-GW renewable solar and wind farm called
Green Energy Oman. The project will enable the consortium
to produce 1.8 MMtpy of green H2
and up to 10 MMtpy of
green ammonia. FID on the project is expected post 2026.
The country aims to use green H2
to become a major
global exporter of green ammonia. Oman has several
projects devoted to this goal. For example, Uniper and
OQ Alternative Energy are developing the Hyport Duqm
project, which will have an initial capacity of 250 MW-500
MW, in Oman's Duqm Free Zone. The green ammonia will
be converted into H2
for use in Germany. In Salalah, OQ,
Marubeni, Linde and Dutco are developing the $1-B SalalaH2
project. The project's scope is to construct a 1-GW solar and
Other Middle Eastern countries. In Jordan, government
officials have met with a delegation from Australia's
Fortescue Metals Group to discuss investment opportunities
in green H2
international markets. No concrete project announcements
have emerged to date.
Kuwait and Iraq are planning to develop H2
and solar
projects in their respective nations. Kuwait is researching
various investments to transition to a low-carbon economy
by 2035. To help, Kuwait is planning to build a 2-GW wind
and solar project, which will help provide power to produce
green H2
and green ammonia projects in the country.
To wean off Iranian natural gas and energy imports,
Iraq is also planning to develop additional renewable
power infrastructure and gradually wean off hydrocarbons
for power generation. At the time of this publication, the
country was seeking investors in domestic projects.
ity will be in Kibbutz Yotvata. The produced green H2
project. The facilwill
used to decarbonize the country's transportation sector and
industrial plants. Bahrain's Sustainable Energy Authority is
developing a $150-MM, 4-MW plant to produce green H2
With ample supplies of natural gas reserves, Qatar has the
opportunity to significantly develop its blue H2
and export abilities. The country is already one of the
largest LNG exporting nations in the world, and is exploring
investments to further develop its H2
The U.S. follows Europe and Asia in most active H2
The country is engaged in developing H2 infrastructure,
H2 refueling stations, CCS/CCUS projects and incorporating
H2 for power generation to decarbonize the U.S. economy.
The report Roadmap to a U.S. Hydrogen Economy, developed
by a coalition of major oil and gas, power, automotive,
fuel cell and H2
companies and released in October 2020,
details how the U.S. can expand its global energy leadership
by scaling up activity in the rapidly evolving H2
The Roadmap anticipates that H2 from low-carbon sources
could supply roughly 14% of the country's energy needs by
2050, including hard-to-electrify sectors that are dependent
on natural gas, such as high-heat industrial processes and
fertilizer manufacturing (FIG. 14).
The U.S. is also developing strategic H2
hubs throughout
and ammonia, with the aim of exporting to
the country. Many states are working together to win funding
from President Joe Biden's administration's infrastructure
bill. The government's goal is for the U.S. to create a 100%
clean electrical grid by 2035 and reach net-zero carbon emissions
by 2050. The infrastructure law provides up to $8 B for
the establishment of regional clean H2
H2 electrolysis program, and $500 MM for clean H2
turing and recycling initiatives. Ramping up H2
hubs, $1 B for a clean
will help the U.S. Department of Energy's goal to
scale down H2
production costs to $1/kg by the mid-2030s.
Several states are vying for funding and have congregated
with nearby states to form H2
the Midwest states of Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado
that plan to build a regional hub; Louisiana, Arkansas
MARKET DATA 2023 | H2-Tech.com
hub plans. These include
H2Tech Market Data 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2023
H2Tech Market Data 2023 - Cover1
H2Tech Market Data 2023 - 2
H2Tech Market Data 2023 - 3
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