H2Tech Market Data 2023 - 42

Green H2 is defined as H2
Electrolysis. Electrolysis is the primary method of green
produced from non-fossil fuel
sources and with a zero (or even negative) total lifecycle
carbon intensity of the production pathway. Current commercial
methods of green H2
of water, steam methane reforming (SMR) of bio-methane,
and thermal or photocatalytic conversions.
production are the electrolysis
Electrolysis is the only green H2/low-carbon pathway that
production. This process entails the use of an electric
current to split water (H2
O) into H2 and oxygen gases using
a device called an electrolyzer. When renewable or other
(green) zero-carbon electricity is used to power electrolysis,
the process produces net-zero carbon H2
The success of H2
fuel (i.e., green H2
omy is incumbent on cost-effective green H2
as a pathway for a decarbonized econproduction.
anticipated to reach cost-efficiency targets in the nearand
mid-term. In the long term, other technologies, such as
biomass or waste-based processes and direct solar energy
processes, may be expected to become cost-competitive.
In the past decade, electrolyzer costs have declined
60% and are expected to fall 40% in the short term and
80% in the long term. According to the International Ener

H2Tech Market Data 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2023

H2Tech Market Data 2023 - Cover1
H2Tech Market Data 2023 - 2
H2Tech Market Data 2023 - 3
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