H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 43

* Failing to recognize that investing
early in safety saves significant
money and time over the lifetime
of the project and operations.
sive growth of H2
Companies involved in the aggresfueling
should look to the propane fueling industry
in Ontario, Canada as an important
historical lesson. In this case, one large
incident resulted in strict, risk-based
regulations. The most cost-effective way
to maintain sustainability over the long
term is to ensure that risk management
keeps pace with infrastructure rollout.
This includes a risk-based approach for
siting fueling stations by looking at impacts
on facility users and nearby populations,
as well as evaluating aggregate
fueling risks on a yearly basis (i.e., fueling
risks on a national level or broader applicable
Safe spacing distances and HAZOP/
LOPA studies lack the ability to defensibly
estimate potential consequences
and do not tell an owner-operator about
the risk exposure for surrounding areas.
Furthermore, because H2
poses more
severe jet fire and vapor cloud explosion
hazards than gasoline or diesel, assuming
the safe siting of gasoline stations is
adequate for a station that also handles
high-pressure H2
may lead down a dangerous
and unsafe path.
Finally, it is recommended to look to
producers for guidance on
traditional H2
safely operating H2
installations. These
long-term companies have learned over
years of experience the rigor that should
be used when properly managing H2
risks. Companies that have produced
and sold H2
understand that H2
can be
handled safely, but it requires thoroughly
examining risk exposure early and often.
Those knowledgeable of H2
hazards can
help navigate the challenges of safely and
aggressively pursuing H2
Adler, K., " Europe emerges as leader in hydrogen
economy, " December 15, 2020, IHS Markit,
online: https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/
St. John, J., " Can the US catch up in the green
hydrogen economy? " Green Tech Media, October
5, 2020.
California Air Resources Board (CARB), " Annual
evaluation of fuel cell electric vehicle deployment &
hydrogen fuel station network development, " July
2019, online: www.arb.ca.gov
Vilas, K. R. and R. J. Magraw, " Why proactive
assessment of hydrogen fueling risks is essential, "
HAZARDS 30, Institute of Chemical Engineers
(IChemE) Conference, November 2020.
Complete Literature Cited available online at
KAREN VILAS is the Supervisor
of Business Development and
Marketing at Baker Engineering
and Risk Consultants Inc.
(BakerRisk) in Houston, Texas.
She is also a Principal Consultant in
the Houston Process Safety Group,
specializing in consequence and risk modeling
as well as insurance risk engineering. Ms. Vilas has
worked extensively with clients in the refining and
petrochemical industries with a focus on risk
quantification and mitigation of blast, toxic,
flammable and fire hazards. In addition to servicing
clients' process safety needs, she oversees the
business development and marketing group, focusing
on industry education of key risk management topics
through conference technical content coordination
and media content development.
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H2Tech | Q3 2021 43
https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/europe-emerges-as-leader-in-hydrogen-economy.html#:~:text=The%20EC%E2%80%99s%20hydrogen%20roadmap%20estimated,carbon%20fossil%20fuel%2Dbased%20hydrogen http://www.arb.ca.gov http://www.H2-Tech.com https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/europe-emerges-as-leader-in-hydrogen-economy.html#:~:text=The%20EC%E2%80%99s%20hydrogen%20roadmap%20estimated,carbon%20fossil%20fuel%2Dbased%20hydrogen https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/europe-emerges-as-leader-in-hydrogen-economy.html#:~:text=The%20EC%E2%80%99s%20hydrogen%20roadmap%20estimated,carbon%20fossil%20fuel%2Dbased%20hydrogen https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/europe-emerges-as-leader-in-hydrogen-economy.html#:~:text=The%20EC%E2%80%99s%20hydrogen%20roadmap%20estimated,carbon%20fossil%20fuel%2Dbased%20hydrogen https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/europe-emerges-as-leader-in-hydrogen-economy.html#:~:text=The%20EC%E2%80%99s%20hydrogen%20roadmap%20estimated,carbon%20fossil%20fuel%2Dbased%20hydrogen http://www.ECC-CONFERENCE.ORG

H2Tech - Q3 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech - Q3 2021

H2Tech - Q3 2021 - Cover1
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - Cover2
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - Contents
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 4
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 5
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 6
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 7
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 8
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 9
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 10
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 11
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 12
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 13
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 14
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 15
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 16
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 17
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 18
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 19
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 20
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 21
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 22
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 23
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 24
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - 25
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H2Tech - Q3 2021 - Cover3
H2Tech - Q3 2021 - Cover4