H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 13
good qualities. For example, the
bedrock in Svartöberget consists
mainly of amphibolite with elements
of pegmatite and red granite.
* The rock cavern in Svartöberget
where the gas is stored is about
30 m below ground level and
100 m from the entrance.
Jacobs' research provides
roadmap for the future
of H2
plane refueling
must plan for the delivery and storage
of H2
Airport owners and operators
if they are to be ready to fuel
H2-powered aircraft. New research by
fueling technologies,
Jacobs provides a roadmap for airports
to implement H2
building on its work for the Aeronautical
Technology Institute FlyZero report
Airports, Airlines and Airspace:
Operations and H2
Due to the length of time it takes to
plan, design, consult and implement new
airport infrastructure, airports must make
provisions ahead of the first commercially
available H2
-powered aircraft expected in
the early to mid-2030s.
These scenarios can be used by
airports and provide a route to scaling
up H2
availability over time. For
example, a large airport may start by
implementing Scenario 1 for fueling
aircraft, while the required infrastructure
for the implementation of Scenario
2 or 3 is being built.
The new roadmap provides airports
with steps that can be incrementally
implemented to ensure H2
flights are able to take off as soon as
aircraft are available. It recommends
that airports start with providing airside
gas storage and refueling stations
in time for the first flights, before
developing more advanced liquid H2
storage and gas pipelines for fueling
planes by the early 2050s.
These sources will be able to provide
power beyond the planes and airport
infrastructure. The report suggests H2
gas blending could power heating in
terminals by the mid-2040s, eventually
moving to 100% H2
gas heating in
the 2050s. If an airport can produce
through electrolysis onsite, it
could become an energy hub for its
local community. This would provide
businesses, public services and homes
with carbon neutral power, generating
social value.
According to Jacobs' Global Solutions
Director for Aviation, an early adoption
ZeroAvia, a company specializing
aerospace company developing uniquely
capable H2
H2 Clipper, an alternative energy and
-powered airships and
end-to-end H2 infrastructure solutions,
has completed a simulated wind tunnel
test using computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) of its H2
-powered Pipeline-In-TheSky
airship. The analysis confirms that the
airship's aerodynamic design achieves
an extremely low level of residual drag
and is another step in validating the
airship's operating performance and the
company's cost modeling.
According to H2
Clipper, the successful
CFD analysis is a major milestone for the
development of the Pipeline-In-The-Sky
airship and one step closer to the goal
of providing the fastest, most flexible
and efficiently scalable way to transport
fuel-grade H2
to market worldwide.
The H2 Clipper airship design is
the result of radically innovating and
re-thinking lighter-than-air flight
for global fuel and cargo transport.
The airships offer unprecedented speed,
payload and cost advantages, including
the following:
in zero-emissions aviation, has signed
a joint development agreement with
Textron Aviation on the development of
ZeroAvia's H2
-electric, zero-emissions
powertrains for the Cessna Grand
Caravan aircraft. ZeroAvia will obtain
a supplemental type certificate to
retrofit the Grand Caravan single-engine
utility turboprop with the ZA600
zero-emissions powertrain, targeting
commercial and cargo operators.
The Cessna Grand Caravan's strong
wing design enables the aircraft
to mount the H2
fuel tanks under
the wings, ensuring operators can
maintain seat capacity or cargo space,
while transitioning to zero-emissions
propulsion systems.
According to the company's press
release, ZeroAvia will develop its ZA600
powertrain system for the Grand Caravan
with data, engineering and certification
support provided by Textron Aviation.
ZeroAvia aims to obtain certification
for the 600-kW powertrain as early as
2025, enabling customers to operate
zero-emissions flights.
H2Tech | Q4 2022 13
of fueling infrastructure is critical to the
implementation and success of H2
aircraft. H2
has the potential to be the
core component for the decarbonization
of aviation. Airport operators and
owners need partnerships with local
businesses and other transport operators
to initiate the use of H2
in the immediate
term. By incrementally building the H2
supply and distribution of infrastructure
from a short-term starting point, airports
can be ready for H2
-powered planes as
soon as they are commercially viable.
Emissions generated from flights
account for most of an airport's climate
impact. Around 80% of global aviation
sector emissions come from flights
longer than 1,500 km. It is estimated
that the use of H2
reduce the climate impact of flights
by 50%-75%. Airbus has identified
a H2
-combustion propulsion system
to potentially provide a net-zero
commercial aircraft by 2035.
Successful wind tunnel
test of H2
Pipeline-In-The-Sky airship
ZeroAvia signs
joint development
to decarbonize aviation
* 70% lower cost vs. traditional
air freighters
* Payloads of up to 277 t
* 7-10 times faster than shipping
by truck or cargo vessel
* 100% carbon-free.
Clipper has received multiple
patents for using an airship to deliver
liquid H2
logistical advantages over other methods
of bulk delivery of H2
cheap and clean power produced from
renewable sources to markets with high
energy demand, H2
produced at the lowest cost to where it
is most needed. H2
Clipper anticipates
-powered aircraft could
completing the construction of a
prototype in 2025, with the goal of flying
its first full-sized airship in 2028.
Clipper aims to solve
from where it can be
to market, offering economic and
. By transporting
the economical and effective challenges
of transporting H2
H2Tech - Q4 2022
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech - Q4 2022
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Cover1
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Cover2
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Contents
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