H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 14
According to a report by
Global Energy Infrastructure (GEI),
approximately 20% of low-carbon H2
projects being developed globally have
taken a final investment decision (FID).
Over the past few years, developers
have struggled to secure the necessary
financing and offtake agreements
needed to take FID, despite the increase
in global H2
strategies and initiatives.
Approximately half of the more than
210 projects that have taken FID are
in Europe. The EU was the first region
in the world to set a H2
strategy with
import and production targets, which
were then beefed up by the RepowerEU
initiative-this plan calls for 10 MMtpy of
green H2
Union (EU) by 2030, with a further 10
MMtpy of imports. However, uncertainty
around H2
taxonomy and proposals
on additionality are hampering the
development of EU projects.
Moving west, the passing of the
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the U.S.
has made H2
projects more attractive to
project developers.
developers. The IRA contains several tax
incentives for H2
China, which released its H2
in March, aims to produce 100,000 tpy-
200,000 tpy of green H2
time of this publication, 16 H2
by 2025. At the
have reached FID; however, that number
is expected to rapidly increase over
the next few years.
Namibia plans to develop
renewable energy value chain
Namibia has ambitions to become a
renewable energy center on the African
continent. The country has already
announced projects to develop green H2
production and clean power generation.
Hyphen Hydrogen Energy plans to invest
more than $9 B to build a 300,000-tpy
green H2
complex in the country. The
project, to be developed in phases,
will use 5 GW of renewable generation
capacity and a 3-GW electrolyzer to
produce green H2
. Construction is
scheduled to begin in early 2025, with
commissioning of Phase 1 by 2027.
French power producer HDF Energy
is investing more than $180 MM to
build a H2
14 Q4 2022 | H2-Tech.com
power plant in the country.
The facility will use solar panels to
to be produced in the European
LEE NICHOLS, VP, Content/Editor-in-Chief
generate 85 MW of electricity, which
will power electrolyzers to produce H2
Once operational, the additional power
generated will enable Namibia to cut
electricity imports from neighboring
South Africa by approximately 40%.
Globeleq looking
to deliver large-scale
green H2
includes the construction of a 10-MW
electrolysis plant and an 18-MW solar PV
farm. Once operational, the facility will
produce 640 tpy of green H2
. The green
H2 will be sent to Yara's Pilbara ammonia
plant to produce green ammonia.
Technip Energies is responsible for
project in Egypt
In September, Globeleq signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
with the New and Renewable Energy
Authority, the General Authority
for Suez Canal Economic Zone, the
Sovereign Fund of Egypt for Investment
and Development, and the Egyptian
Electricity Transmission Co. to develop
a large-scale green H2
facility in the
Suez Canal Economic Zone, Egypt.
According to Globeleq, the project
will be developed in three phases.
Phase 1 includes a pilot project using a
100-MW electrolyzer to produce green
ammonia. Once all phases are developed,
the complex will include 3.6 GW of
electrolyzers and around 9 GW of solar
photovoltaic (PV) and wind power
generation. Globeleq plans to develop,
finance, build, own and operate the facility.
Fortescue Future Industries
proposes large Egyptian
Also in Egypt, Fortescue Future
Industries (FFI) announced a proposal
to build a large-scale wind, solar and
green H2
project is part of FFI's goal to supply
15 MMtpy of green H2
production facility. This
by 2030.
Technip Energies to build
Yuri Green H2
Technip Energies has been
awarded an engineering, procurement,
construction and commissioning (EPCC)
contract for the Yuri Green H2
Project in
Australia. The project being developed
by Yara Clean Ammonia and ENGIE in
the Pilbara region of Western Australia
production complex. According
to FFI's press release, the project would
include the construction of a 9.2-GW
wind and solar facility in Egypt to power
a green H2
Japanese firms plan green
ammonia import facility
Four Japanese firms-Idemitsu Kosan,
Tokuyama, Tosoh and Zeon-are planning
to convert existing storage facilities into
a 1-MMtpy ammonia import terminal.
The imported ammonia will be used as a
carbon-free fuel in the country, as well as
a source for H2
. The project is scheduled
to be completed by 2030.
China to significantly
ramp up H2
According to the China-Africa
Hydrogen Forum, China's H2 production is
forecast to reach 100 MMtpy-150 MMtpy
by 2060. This production is expected
to be generated by a massive increase
in solar and wind capacity, which is
expected to reach more than 4,800 GW
within the forecasted timeframe.
South Korean firms plan green
ammonia value chain
Four South Korean companies-Ark
Energy, Hanwhe Impace, Korea Zinc and
SK Gas-have formed a partnership to
develop a green ammonia value chain
between Australia and South Korea. The
group plans to use Ark Energy's green
energy hub in Queensland, Australia to
produce up to 1 MMtpy of green ammonia,
which will be shipped to South Korea.
Also in South Korea, Jacobs was
awarded a contract from Elenergy-an
offshore wind farm developer-for a
feasibility study on a green H2
and import facility. The facility will use
renewable wind power from a 1.5-GW
offshore wind farm to produce green H2
Jacob's scope includes a green H2 market
analysis and technology review, the
development of a conceptual design and
a business case assessment of developing
the project. The green H2
production and
the overall project management and
the electrolysis plant EPC and startup.
Monford Group is responsible for the
overall project construction and the PV
farm EPC and startup.
H2Tech - Q4 2022
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech - Q4 2022
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Cover1
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Cover2
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Contents
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 4
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 5
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 6
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 7
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 8
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 9
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 10
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 11
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 12
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 13
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 14
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - 15
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H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Cover3
H2Tech - Q4 2022 - Cover4