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ALCTS Midwinter Symposium Focuses on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Library Collections

Equity, diversity, and inclusion are important concepts for libraries and librarians as the nation’s population becomes more diverse, inclusiveness more essential, and access to information critical. In fact, equity, diversity, and inclusion are so significant that the American Library Association (ALA) has devoted substantial resources to promoting these essential values. Nowhere in the library are these concepts so pressing as in library collections, and the ability of libraries to represent a more diverse clientele, provide the equity of access needed to their collections, and include all is tantamount.

Reducing Conflict

Take home some new skills you can immediately put to use to reduce conflict and potential conflict in your workplace. Join professional mediator Jetta Todaro at the Conflict Resolution Advanced Questioning Seminar, Sunday, January 22, 8:00 – 11:00am, Georgia World Congress Center, room B313.

The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) is proud to present its full-day Midwinter Symposium Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Creating a New Future for Library Collections at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta, Ga. on Friday, January 20. Part of the extensive Midwinter programming from ALCTS, the symposium examines the critical roles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in today’s libraries. This not to be missed event touches on many aspects of library collection, including equitable access to collections, scholarly communication and diversity, diversity and visibility in collection development and management, inclusion and advocacy in cataloging, and diversity and inclusion in preservation. Speakers include Hannah Buckland, Charlotte Roh, Harrison Inefuku, Paolo Gujilde, Emily Drabinski, and Ann Marie Willer, with ALA Past President Courtney Young providing the keynote address and Mark Puente, Director of Diversity and Leadership Programs Association of Research Libraries, giving the closing presentation.

Furthering discussions on metadata, open access, and preserving diverse voices in collections are critical as libraries face challenges in a rapidly changing society.

Furthering discussions on metadata, open access, and preserving diverse voices in collections are critical as libraries face challenges in a rapidly changing society. No matter your role in the library, acquisitions, access, collection management, or preservation, library collections are evolving in support of the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion. This symposium explores the work occurring now, progress made, and what the future holds.

Register today for this timely and important symposium, and join your colleagues for stimulating presentations and riveting discussions on the intersection of collections and equity, diversity, and inclusion at the 2017 ALCTS Midwinter Symposium.

Online registration is available through the ALA 2017 Midwinter Meeting web site at Include Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Creating a New Future for Library Collections in your conference registration or register for it alone. The cost of this full-day ALCTS symposium is $219 for ALCTS members, $269 for ALA members, $319 for non-members, and $99 for ALA student members and retired members, and the registration event code is ALC1.

For a complete listing of ALCTS events at Midwinter, visit You can also follow ALCTS on social media using #alctsmw17 to get the latest details about ALCTS Midwinter programming.

As a division of the American Library Association, ALCTS is an international, member-driven association that engages the library community on issues and policies that affect the acquisition, management, discovery, and preservation of library collections. For more information about ALCTS, including how to join, please visit

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