products seating C E L E B R AT I N G 9 WOMEN'S WORK H D AWA R D W I N N E R 10 9 10 chair features a fully upholstered seat with a handwoven backrest supported by a black-lacquered steel frame. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, the chair can be stacked for easy transport. is characterized by its elevated fixed aluminum base that comes in a black finish and boasts a built-in swivel function. A task chair with other base options is also available. SANDLERSEATING.COM GLOBALALLIES.COM Sandler Seating's Spring side CUSTOM KNITS f o r H O T E L , S PA , H E A L T H C A R E and ASSISTED LIVING S T U D I O T W I S T. N E T 770.528.5858 © 2 0 1 9 S T U D I O T W I S T, L L C . | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Global Allies' Amsterdam chairhttp://www.STUDIOTWIST.NET http://www.GLOBALALLIES.COM http://www.SANDLERSEATING.COM http://www.STUDIOTWIST.NET