monitor FIRST 3/5 LOOK CENTRE HOSPITALIER de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM) ranks as one of the largest healthcare projects currently being built in North America. Born from the merger of three hospitals-Hotel Dieu de Montréal, Hopital Saint Luc, and Hopital Notre-Dame-the project replaces inefficient and antiquated facilities and brings these entities together in a single-site institution with 772 private patient rooms. The anchor of Montreal's new health district, CHUM will combine teaching, research, and healthcare while driving urban renewal in a once forgotten area of the city. This project is a collaboration between CannonDesign and NEUF Architect(e)s and is being completed in two phases. Phase 1 will be finished this fall and includes the hospital and ambulatory building. A 500-seat auditorium and office building are expected to be completed in 2020 . CANNONDESIGN + NEUF ARCHITECT(E)S C E N T R E H O S P I TA L I E R D E L' U N I V E R S I T É D E MONTRÉAL