PROJECT WATCH Cincinnati Children's Proton Therapy Center Cincinnati Children's is committed to advancing knowledge and offering the most progressive treatments possible to optimize outcomes for children and young adults with cancers and leukemias. Their facility is one of only two pediatric institutions in the country to have this groundbreaking equipment and treatment. The branded interior environment was designed in partnership with Tsoi/Kobus & Associates, welcoming patients of all ages with ease. The facility includes resources to accommodate patients, families and caregivers. Our collaboration created the art of the healing environment with nearly a hundred community-created pieces of art, as well as the theme of journeying through nature by creating a warm, welcoming, calm and soothing environment, as expressed in Cincinnati Children's brand. Kolar Design, Inc. (513) 241-4884 PHOTOS: JH PHOTO Looking for inspiration? Check out the latest Image Galleries at and see photos and stories from architects and designers focused on healthcare. For details on how to submit your Image Gallery, contact Donna Paglia at 216.373.1210 or N d R e6 k D e b S w e s u p2 k NOVEMBER 2016 / SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 135