3/4 9 9 10 11 Inpro's SANI-SYSTEM HEAVY DUTY WALL FOR DISPOSABLE WALLCOVERINGS PROTECTION comprises CURTAINS from On The antimicrobial collection with the addition of Francine, a vinyl wallcovering with a silk-like raised texture. The line is available in 11 colorways including Putty (shown) and features Biocide, a protective finish that prohibits the growth of fungi and bacteria on the wallcovering's surface. www. fabricutcontract.com the company's SaniSurface Hygienic Wall Cladding and Sani-Base Stainless Steel Wall Base. The base is compatible with a variety of flooring types and enables a waterproof transition from floor to wall. The system's wall cladding features industrialstrength, fiberglass-free wall panels that are Class A fire rated and thermally stable. www.inpro.com Right Track features a palette of neutral colors and new patterns. The curtains are 100 percent recyclable through the manufacturer's recycling program for Class 5 polypropylene products, and all styles have passed the NFPA 701 flame-resistance test. The collection meets the criteria of safer chemicals certified by Healthier Hospitals Initiative. www.ontherighttrack. com ESSENCE COLLECTION PHOTOGRAPH BY FIRSTNAME LASTNAME 11 10 Fabricut Contract expands its MURASPEC 27 J A N U A R Y/ F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1 HCDMAGAZINE.COMhttp://www.fabricutcontract.com http://www.ontherighttrack.com http://www.inpro.com http://www.ontherighttrack.com http://www.getknu.com http://www.getknu.com