i+D - May/June 2019 - 30





Writers can truly relate to the development process. Not unlike an architect or
designer, they start with a blank slate-and the final "product" unfolds as they
use their talent and experience to capture just the right outcome. It's no surprise
then, that the authors in this issue of i+D can grasp the special nuances of
community development, one of our featured articles (p. 42). They reveal what
they think works and what doesn't, as well as some surprises they encountered
while "developing" their own assignments.

2. Brian J. Barth, Built with Soul
Brian is an American journalist living in Toronto,
who writes about culture, design, technology,
ecology, infrastructure, and more. He's certainly seen
and covered his share of development, which made
him particularly appropriate to author his article
on "soulful" projects (p. 42)-but, it also offered
up some interesting insights. "Here in Toronto, a
massive waterfront development by Sidewalk Labs,
a sister company of Google, has faced enormous
opposition. It's supposed to be a 'smart city' project,
a neighborhood built 'from the internet up.'
But, like the recently derailed Amazon HQ2 project
in New York, the proponents have not been very
smart about building trust with the public," he
shares. "What impressed me about the developers
I interviewed for this story was their willingness
to truly listen to the communities where they worked,
without preconceptions, and proceed accordingly."


3. Robert Nieminen, Success by Design
Robert believes now is an interesting time for real
estate development. "We're seeing new players
enter the market who aim to not only provide
nearby housing for employees, but also improve
their relationships with surrounding communities,"
he says, adding "which could be a good thing (time
will tell). Ultimately, I think smart development that
utilizes technology to more efficiently operate and
organize infrastructure and capitalizes on amenities
and services that is also sustainable is a winning
ticket." In writing his article on contracts (p. 24),
Robert was struck by one observation that so many
businesses in this industry fail because they were
never designed to succeed in the first place.
"In creative work, such as interior design," he
notes, "it's a common and easy mistake to assume
that success can be realized through talent alone.
More often than not, it isn't."
4. Ambrose Clancy, ICONic Profile: Stanley
Felderman & Nancy Keatinge
A personal glimpse in to the lives of renowned
designers, the "ICONic Profile" series can be
inspiring, informative, and even laugh-out-loud
comical, including the one on the dynamic duo at
Felderman Keatinge & Associates (p. 50). Ambrose,
who pens each "ICONic Profile" installment,
recalls this issue's enjoyable interview experience.
"I liked the idea of opposites attracting each
other-Nancy Keatinge is from L.A. and Stanley
Felderman is from New York-and how passion,
one of their often used words, is the key to a
relationship in life and business." Likewise,
Ambrose displays his passion when discussing
developments he feels have gone awry. "The new
Hudson Yards development on Manhattan's west
i+D - May/June 2019

side seems to be a project that was doomed from its
inception, with the concept of turning lots of open
space that could have gone to affordable housing
and thriving neighborhoods into a millionaires'
mall that apes the frozen modernity of Dubai.
Don't get me started..."
5. Diana Mosher,
A Cohesive Statement
Having spent more than 10 years covering the
multifamily real estate industry as editorial director
at Multi-Housing News, Diana has had a front
row seat to the complex process involved in any
development. "I think that, in some cases, the final
outcome does fall short (especially obvious when
we talk about affordable housing issues); [rather,]
the best development outcomes happen when the
team is comprised of like-minded individuals,"
she says. When writing her article about multiunit
residential design (p. 52), Diana was reminded of the
tremendous exposure that results when an interior
designer's brand is associated with a rental or condo
building. "For this reason, and with their reputation
at stake, they should choose wisely and only take
commissions that are compatible with their design
standards," she cautions. "Some residential buildings
display an unfortunate disconnect between the
exterior and the interior. But, more than ever before,
developers are aware that their best return
on investment will result when they put together
a united and compatible creative team with architects
and interior designers who are on the same page
from the initial building concept."

Image 1: Carlos Guzman/Image 2: Christine Nobel/Image 3: Robert Nieminen/Image 4: Kirk Condyles/Image 5: Rashidah De Vore

1. Sheila Kim, Flexible, Functional Workplaces
As a Brooklyn-based design journalist, Sheila
regularly attends media openings of heavily
publicized projects-whether those developments
are welcomed by locals or not. "No one can truly
know the motivations behind these developments,
but the cynic in me thinks profit and tax credits.
I can't ignore, however, that some developments or
their tenants have the ability to create jobs, beautify,
or breathe new life into underutilized sites," she
says. Sheila's thoughts-and her wishes for the
future-also tie in well with what she uncovered
when researching her article on office workspaces
(p. 34). She explains: "I'm particularly interested
in seeing how workspaces will turn out as the
more progressive employers increasingly prioritize
occupant wellness through office design."



i+D - May/June 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i+D - May/June 2019

i+D - May/June 2019 - Cover1
i+D - May/June 2019 - Cover2
i+D - May/June 2019 - 3
i+D - May/June 2019 - 4
i+D - May/June 2019 - 5
i+D - May/June 2019 - 6
i+D - May/June 2019 - 7
i+D - May/June 2019 - 8
i+D - May/June 2019 - 9
i+D - May/June 2019 - 10
i+D - May/June 2019 - 11
i+D - May/June 2019 - 12
i+D - May/June 2019 - 13
i+D - May/June 2019 - 14
i+D - May/June 2019 - 15
i+D - May/June 2019 - 16
i+D - May/June 2019 - 17
i+D - May/June 2019 - 18
i+D - May/June 2019 - 19
i+D - May/June 2019 - 20
i+D - May/June 2019 - 21
i+D - May/June 2019 - 22
i+D - May/June 2019 - 23
i+D - May/June 2019 - 24
i+D - May/June 2019 - 25
i+D - May/June 2019 - 26
i+D - May/June 2019 - 27
i+D - May/June 2019 - 28
i+D - May/June 2019 - 29
i+D - May/June 2019 - 30
i+D - May/June 2019 - 31
i+D - May/June 2019 - 32
i+D - May/June 2019 - 33
i+D - May/June 2019 - 34
i+D - May/June 2019 - 35
i+D - May/June 2019 - 36
i+D - May/June 2019 - 37
i+D - May/June 2019 - 38
i+D - May/June 2019 - 39
i+D - May/June 2019 - 40
i+D - May/June 2019 - 41
i+D - May/June 2019 - 42
i+D - May/June 2019 - 43
i+D - May/June 2019 - 44
i+D - May/June 2019 - 45
i+D - May/June 2019 - 46
i+D - May/June 2019 - 47
i+D - May/June 2019 - 48
i+D - May/June 2019 - 49
i+D - May/June 2019 - 50
i+D - May/June 2019 - 51
i+D - May/June 2019 - 52
i+D - May/June 2019 - 53
i+D - May/June 2019 - 54
i+D - May/June 2019 - 55
i+D - May/June 2019 - 56
i+D - May/June 2019 - 57
i+D - May/June 2019 - 58
i+D - May/June 2019 - Cover3
i+D - May/June 2019 - Cover4