S EP TE M B E R 2 1 - 2 3 To r o n t o , O n t . C a n a d a OPENING KEYNOTE Join us in downtown Toronto, Ont., Canada, for IDC's third annual Design Symposium - September 21 - 23, 2020 - at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel. There are many ways to get involved with the symposium and your national association: 1. Submit your project to be considered for IDC's Value of Design Awards. Categories, eligibility and submission forms are available online. Submissions close April 17, 2020 Roberta Bondar C.C. O.Ont. MD PhD FRCP FRSC Canada's first female astronaut and the first neurologist in space 2. Nominate a designer, who has made a significant contribution to the interior industry, to IDC's College of Fellows 3. Submit your application to participate in IDC's PROpel Emerging Leaders Program 4. Nominate an IDC member for the IDC Legacy Award for Distinguished Service (open to designers and manufactures & suppliers) InteriorDesignersofCanada IDCanadaTweets 877.443.4425 * tf info@idcanada.org * e 5. Sponsor a symposium event or program to gain exposure and promote your brand during the event 6. Volunteer with IDC and receive a free pass to attend the symposium Visit idcdesignsymposium.ca for news and announcements on all upcoming programs and to apply!http://www.idcdesignsymposium.ca http://www.idcdesignsymposium.ca